Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

April 10th, 1865.

It has just now been officially announced that Lee has surrendered the last remnant of his broken army. Everyone is wild with joy. As for myself, I cannot write! I cannot talk; only my glad heart cries “Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest; in the Highest!”


Hobbs House. Va.. April 10th, 1865.

Transportation has nearly failed since we left Petersburg. The cars are running past here, but the roads are in such condition the troops can with difficulty be supplied with rations. Captain Sudborough has left us on twenty days’ leave to visit his home in Michigan. He goes by way of Richmond, fearing he may have no other opportunity to see that famous city, the goal of our ambition the last four years. During the last two days great changes have been made in our police regulations. The General has put his machine in running order, and we can now turn out “citizens of the United States” with neatness and dispatch.

Nearly every man, woman and child in this County have taken the oath of allegiance. The people of this County are quietly resuming their usual avocations. From the little knowledge of human nature I possess, I believe a majority of them to be more truly loyal now to the “Old Union.” as they term it than they ever were before.

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