Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.


I caught a severe cold last night by the wind blowing on me in bed and have been rather miserable today, have not been out at all. The Family all went to church excepting myself and Willie, he has got smart again and eats his allowance. The weather is rather chilly, a good fire comfortable in the house. Every body is on the “qui vive” to heare from the great naval expedition which sailed south recently, Charleston or N Orleans probably the point.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


A delightful cool day. Was at the Prests. Sent Mrs Lincoln a note, talked awhile with Maj Watt and called upon Genl Schoepf and spent an hour. He leaves for Kentuckey tomorrow. He was bred up in the Austrian Army and deserted to the Hungarians when the Revolution of /48/ broke out, being himself a Hungarian. He fought all through the War, went to Turkey, entered the service of the Sultan, went to Aleppo, &c. I came home, bot some wood, went to market, &c.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Succeeded today in seeing the Sec’y of the Treasury after geting a card from the Prests private Sec’y, Mr Hay. But the interview was of little account. I called upon Mrs Lincoln this evening with Julia and had quite a long conversation with her. She was quite indignant that I had not been restored to office. The Pensacola left the Navy Yard last evening and droped down to Alexandria where she now lies. Troops are moveing about & “big things” are expected.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


This has been a wet dreary day but the streets have been quite lively and the Ave crowded as usual. I saw a large body of cavalry moveing over the River from this side this morning. Our troops are makeing advances frequently on the other side but I think that no important battle will take place very soon. I looked at gas-fixtures on the Ave with a view of purchaseing some. Spent part of the day fixing up matters about the House. Willie has been quite smart all day spinning his top & whitling. He is sick nights.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Change in the weather, cool today. Saw Mr Harrington, Assistant Sec’y of the Treasury, could not see the Sec’y today. A movement of military to the other side of the River. Our forces are slowly advancing and fortifying as they go. I do not think there will be much fighting here. The Govt is too strong now, and too well prepared. I have been puting up window Curtains this evening. Edwd Dickerson called. Doct Piper attends Willie, he seems to be better.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


The great review came off today, 108 pieces of Artillery and the 6400 Cavalry. Julia went with Capt Mew, H N Jr went on his ow[n] hook. I was at the “White House” this morning with Doct Dyer of Chicago. Mr Lincoln passed us on the steps. He stoped and shook hands with both of us. He was going to the Review. Have spent most of the day at Home, wrote to Brother C R and to Thos Bourne of Lyons. Mrs Everitt and Servt called this evening, she had her “white Slave” child with her. The Servt is the mother. Mrs E bought them both [for] $1000.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Went for Doct Piper this morning for Willie. He has I think only a bad cold on his lungs and will soon be well. I was on the Ave this morning, saw it filled with Cavalry for one mile. I was at the Pat office in Col James room. He is anxious to have me in his room, as 1st Assistant. Fixed up my Aquarium this afternoon in our dining room. It began to rain about dark with constant thunder and lightening. Tomorrow there is to be a grand Review of 4000 Cavalry by Genl McClellan.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Still very hot with some wind and much dust. Been to Church all day. Young Mr Hopkins from Wmstown Mass preached this afternoon. He is a son of Doct Hopkins, President of Wms College. He is a very promising young man. I spoke to him after meeting, being introduced by Doct Smith. Our Willie has been ill for some days, threatened with inflamation of the lungs. Very hot and feverish nights, better during the day.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Very hot again today. M. at 90 in the middle of the day. Went to the Treasury again but did not see the Sec’y. Was at the Pat office awhile and at Charleys rooms. He has rented the Basement room of the house he is in for a Labratory &c. Got down the Aquarium from Pecks tonight. Went to market as usual Sat night, pd for Apples at the rate of $3.00 pr Bushel, Potatoes $1.50, Butter 25 cts, Eggs 22 cts, Beef Steak (Surloin) 15 cts, (round) 12 1/2, corn[e]d Beef 8 to 10, Lima Beans 15 cts pr quart. Oak Wood is $7.50 pr cord, pine $6.50, hickory $9.00. No news.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Another hot day. Much as yesterday “danced attendance” at the Treasury most of the day without seeing the Sec’y. It has been Cabinet day and he much engaged. Think some of getting a room for compounding various medicines and articles for sale with the assistance of Chas — Must do something to make some money, if possible. Julia has been out to the Camp of the “Anderson Zouaves” with Capt Mew. Prof Low[e]s Balloon was high up over “Dixey” this evening. Heavy guns have been frequently heard over the River.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.