Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.


Bright day. Firing heard over the river nearly all day, supposed to be fighting going on. collisions betwen the pickets occur every day. A Battle cannot be far off. Death of Jeff Davis reported in the papers. Doct Barnes, Lieut Swan and Qr M Hamilton called upon us today. Tried my combined door fastener, it works to a charm. Called at Doct Smiths this morning, have spent the evening at home. Wife went to meeting.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Pleasant day and has passed off with but little excitement. People feel better since the success at Hateras Inlet N.C. If we are successful on the other side of the River we shall be all right again. Took a long walk after dinner with wife & Julia out to the “Park” (7th St) to see the Cavalry there, some 3000. From there we went to Camp Cameron to see the “Anderson Zuaves.” Saw their Dress parade and Battallion drill. Introduced to a number of the officers.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Another delightful day. Went to church with wife and boys in the morning and read at home nearly all the rest of the day. Good news today rcd from Genl Butlers naval expedition which sailed from Fortress Monroe. It will be reviveing to all after our recent disasters. Watched a smoke on the Virginia Hills and thought it might be from a battle there. Took a walk with Julia in evening, called with her at Doct Everitts. Came home and went down to the camp with wife & Julia to hear the Band of the Regt which performed very finely.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


This has been a delightful day, cool and bright. Large numbers of troops crossed the river last night, 30,000 at least, but we have heard nothing of any fight as yet. I have been model making part of the day. Was at the Pat office awhile. Went to market before dark. In the evening Julia and I went down to the Ave. We went into “Gautiers” and got ice cream, came up 13th St. Some Companies of German Cavalry were giving Senator Latham a vocal Seranade.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Excitement is again on tiptoe as a general battle is expected now day by day on the other side of the River. The entrenchments of the rebels can be seen from the top of the Capitol dome with a good Spyglass. Skirmishing among the sentries occurs daily. The Newspapers here say nothing. I was at the Pat office awhile today, came home and made a small model of Door fastener. Went down to Willards with Doct Everitt, saw Maj Chase. Called for Julia at Chas rooms at 10.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


It has rained almost incessantly today and I have done but little but stay in the house. Mr Brownson and myself went down to the Pat office and found that the “knapsack” had passed. Mr B. left for home on the 21/2 train. I went to the Depot with him. The 18th 19th 20th & 21st Regts from Mass were arriving, all expected before tomorrow morning. Capt McCormick, who resides cor[ner] 40th St & 8th Ave NY, and Lieut Martin 12th Regt called today. A battle is expected soon over the River. Skirmishing yesterday and the guns heard by us nearly all day.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Went to the Patent office this morning with Brownson to help him along with his knapsack application. We got it before the Examr in an hour. Went then with him up to the War Dept to see the Qr Master Genl about knapsacks for the Army. Then went up to see the Washington Statue and the “Meigs Bridge” over Rock Creek. Got home to dinner at 2 o’clock. It rained all the afternoon, did not go out. Cap Fowler & Drum Majr Smith of the old 12th called.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


A tent was pitched expressly for Julia which she occupied alone during the night with a sentinel pacing before her tent all night. I occupied a couch in Doct Barnes tent where we had taken tea. Julia was very much “lionized” by the officers while we staid in the camp. We took dinner with Col Bartlett, left the camp about 2 P.M., and rode to Fort Runyon, Fort Albany and to Arlington House, and from there to the “long Bridge.” Capt Albergen of Buffalo passed us over the Bridge. We got home before dark, had a pleasant trip.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1861.

Went to the Provost Marshalls with Julia this morning and after much trouble got a “Pass” to go on the Boat to Alexandria. Took the Boat with Julia at 1 o’clock. Went directly to the Camp of the NY 27th 3/4ths of a mile back of the City and near Fort Ellsworth East of “Shooters Hill.” Walked over to the Fort with Surgeon Barnes and Lieut Swan, found Lieut Link of Newark & Col Lansing and went through the Fort. Saw Brigade Drill afterwards and back to the Camp. Soldiers in good health.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Went to church this morning with Julia & Brownson. The day has been delightful, quite a show of soldiers up 14th St., Infantry, Cavalry & Artillery of the Regular Army with a fine Band and Drum Corps. A long train of Army wagons also passed the house. Mr B & wife [Mrs Taft] went to church in the afternoon. Walked down to Lafayette Square and was awhile at Willards with Brownson, not much of a crowd there tonight. Saw Col Clark and Col Chambers, Hon Ira Harris there. Came home 1/2 past nine.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.