Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

January 25.—The organization of the First regiment of colored South-Carolina loyal volunteers, was this day completed.—General Saxton, in announcing the event to the Secretary of War, said: “The regiment is light infantry, composed of ten companies of about eighty-six men each, armed with muskets and officered by white men. In organization, drill, discipline, and morale, this regiment, for the length of time it has been in service, is not surpassed by any white regiment in this department. Should it ever be its good fortune to get into action, I have no fear but it will win its way to the confidence of those who are willing to recognize courage and manhood, and vindicate the wise policy of the Administration, in putting these men into the field, and giving them a chance to strike a blow for the country and their own liberty. In no regiment have I ever seen duty performed with so much cheerfulness and alacrity; and as sentinels, they are peculiarly vigilant. I have never seen, in any body of men, such enthusiasm, and deep-seated devotion to their officers as exists in this; they will surely go wherever they are led. Every man is a volunteer, and seems fully persuaded of the importance of his service to his race. In the organization of this regiment, I have labored under difficulties which might have discouraged one who had less faith in the wisdom of the measure; but I am glad to report that the experiment is a complete success. My belief is, that when we get a footing on the main land, regiments may be raised, which will do more than any now in service to put an end to this rebellion. I have sent the regiment on an expedition to the coast of Georgia, the result of which I shall report for your information, as soon as it returns.”—General Saxton’s Report.

—A party of rebel cavalry attacked a train on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, at a point nine miles below Nashville, captured and paroled fifty prisoners, and made an attempt to burn the cars, but National reinforcements approaching from different points, they left, after causing a partial destruction of two platform cars.—The obsequies of the rebel Major C. R. Wheat, were celebrated at Richmond, Va. — A battalion of Colonel Mix’s New-York cavalry surprised an important rebel picket station on the road from Newborn to Kinston, S. C, and captured nine rebel soldiers, with their arms and accoutrements.

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