Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

July 3.—The following “commendable appeal” to the foreign residents of Richmond, Va., appeared in the Enquirer, published in that city, to-day:

To British Subjects:

Fellow-countrymen : If you desire to protect your homes, and the homes of your friends, from the touch of the ruthless invader; if you believe, as we do, in the justice of the Southern cause, and desire its success; if you have interests here to defend, then it is manifestly your duty, as brave and chivalrous men, to take up arms at this crisis. The history of our past precludes the possibility of our being cowards; but let us here, and now, in this righteous struggle for constitutional law and liberty, add another laurel to our ancestral history.

Those of you who are willing to offer yourselves, for either temporary or permanent duty, should report at once to the undersigned: Sydney II. Davis, Lieutenant H. B. M., Sixteenth regiment, Arlington House. F. L. Buxton, Lieutenant Royal Berks volunteers, Mrs. Duval’s, corner Fourteenth and Ross streets.

—At Vicksburgh, Miss., at eight o’clock this morning, flags of truce appeared before A. J. Smith’s front, when the rebels, Major-General Bowen and Colonel Montgomery, were led blindfolded into the Union lines. They bore a communication from General Pemberton, of the following purport:

“Although I feel confident of my ability to resist your arms indefinitely, in order to stop the further effusion of blood, I propose that you appoint three commissioners, to meet three whom I shall select, to arrange such terms as may best accomplish the result.”

General Grant replied in these words:

“The appointment of commissioners is unnecessary. While I should be glad to stop any unnecessary effusion of blood, the only terms which I can entertain are those of unconditional surrender. At the same time, myself and men, and officers of this army, are ready to testify to the distinguished gallantry with which the defence of Vicksburgh has been conducted.”

At eleven o’clock the messengers returned. This afternoon General Grant met General Pemberton between the lines, and after an hour’s consultation settled the surrender of the place. —(Docs. 25, 36, and 146.)

—The National Guards, Colonel “Wright commanding, composed of the most substantial citizens of Newbern, N. C., received their arms and equipments and entered upon duty at the garrison of that place.

—Major-general French sent a force toward Williamsport, Md., which was successful in capturing and destroying the pontoon train of the rebels. The guard, consisting of a lieutenant and only thirteen men, were taken.—General French’s Despatch.

—The following orders were issued at New Orleans, La., by Brigadier-General Emory: “Hereafter no public assemblages, except for public worship under a regular, commissioned priest, will be allowed in this city for any purpose or on any pretence whatever, by white or black, without the written consent of the Commander of the defences of New-Orleans ; and no more than three persons will be allowed to assemble or congregate together upon the streets of the city. Whenever more than that number are found together by the patrol, they shall be ordered to disperse, and failing to do so, the offenders shall be placed in arrest.

“All bar-rooms, coffee-houses, stores, and shops of every description, will be closed at nine o’clock P.M.

“All club-rooms and gambling-houses are hereby closed until further orders.

“No citizens or other persons, except the police and officers in the United States service, or soldiers on duty or with passes, are to be allowed in the streets after nine o’clock P.M.”—

The United States transport boat Zephyr was fired into, at a point six miles below Donaldsonville, La, and two men were wounded.—A fight occurred at Fairfield, Pa., between the Sixth United States cavalry, under Major Samuel H. Starr, and two brigades of rebel cavalry, under Generals Robinson and Jones.— Philadelphia Enquirer.

—The battle of Gettysburgh was concluded this day. Repulsed at every point, General Lee withdrew in the night, leaving General Meade master of the field.—(Docs. 20 and 118.)

—Suffolk, Va., was evacuated by the Union troops.—A circular letter was issued from the Treasury Department by Secretary Chase, regulating the disposition of abandoned, captured and confiscable property in the rebel districts.

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