Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

November 2.—President Lincoln replied to the letter of Governor Bradford, of Maryland, on the subject of the election in that State.—W. G. Sparrow, son of the Rev. Dr. Sparrow, formerly principal of Fairfax Seminary, was arrested, on his arrival from Staunton, Virginia, with a rebel mail, containing letters of importance, and committed to the Old Capital Prison, at Washington.—A party of rebel guerrillas captured two trains of cars near Mayfleld, Kentucky.

—Jefferson Davis arrived at Charleston, S. C, from Savannah, and was escorted to the City Hall, where an address of welcome was made by Charles Macbeth, the Mayor of the city. Mr. Davis replied, in a speech setting forth the reasons of his visit, and urging upon the people the necessity of “harmonious cooperation with the commanding general. He who would attempt to promote his own personal ends in preference, would not take a musket and fight in the ranks, was not worthy of the confederate liberty for which we are fighting. He trusted the Yankee’s desire to possess Charleston would never be gratified; but if Providence ordered otherwise, he desired for her what he wished for his own town of Vicksburgh, that the whole should be a mass of ruins. He believed that Charleston would never be taken.”

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