Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

February 15.—Yesterday and to-day attacks were made upon the fort at Waterproof, La. The following account of the affair was given by Lieutenant Commander Greer, of the steamer Rattler: “A force of about eight hundred cavalry, of Harrison’s command, on the fourteenth made an attack upon the post, driving in the pickets and pressing the troops very hard. Fortunately for them the Forest Rose, was present. Captain Johnson immediately opened a rapid fire on them, which drove them back. He got his vessel under way and shelled the enemy wherever his guns would bear. They hastily retreated to the woods. This lasted from three to five P.M. At eight o’clock, the enemy attempted to make a dash into the town, but Captain Johnson, who was well advised as to their approaches, drove them back. Eight dead rebels and five prisoners were left in our hands. Our loss was five killed and two wounded. Captain Johnson says some of the negroes fought well, but for want of proper discipline a majority did not Lieutenant Commander Greer arrived with the Rattler, after the fighting was over. He then proceeded to Natchez, reported the facts to Commander Post, and asked him to send up reinforcements. The next morning he despatched two hundred men and some howitzer ammunition to Waterproof. Upon arriving at that place on the fifteenth, he found that in the morning the enemy, who had been reenforced in the night, and whose forces now consisted of two regiments of infantry and one of cavalry, and four pieces of artillery, had again attacked the post. The Forest Rose, whose commander was ever on the alert, was ready for them. A few well-directed shells stopped them from planting their battery on the plank-road, and drove them off in confusion. The attempts of the remainder to advance were frustrated by the Forest Rose. Captain Johnson says that Captain Anderson asked repeatedly for me to take his troops on board and throw them across the river, while in every request he (Johnson) declined, and could only tell him to fight. After I got the enemy to retreat he felt more easy, and discontinued his requests to cross. I do not think Captain Anderson was intimidated, but, by the bad discipline of his officers and the incapacity of his men, he became panic-stricken. The ram Switzerland arrived about the close of the fight and joined them. The rebel loss, as far as known, was seven killed, a number wounded, who were taken off, and several prisoners, among them a lieutenant, who were taken to Harrison. Our loss was three killed and twelve wounded. In the two days’ fight the Forest Rose expended two hundred and seventy shell.”

—Colonel Phillips, commanding the expedition to the Indian Territory, reported to General Thayer that he had driven the enemy entirely out of that region, and in several skirmishes killed nearly a hundred rebels, and had captured one captain and twenty-five men.

—Judge Stewart, of the Provincial Court of Admiralty, Nova Scotia, gave judgment that the capture of the Chesapeake was an act of piracy, and ordered restitution of the vessel and cargo to the original owners.

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