January 2nd, 1861.—Uncle Richard and Uncle Tom spent the morning with Father, the three brothers are going to Tallahassee tomorrow to the opening of the Secession Convention. They are so deeply interested.
Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes
January 1st, 1861.—A New Year has come to us now. This is dear Grandmother’s birthday and, though she went to Heaven years ago, her children still meet on her anniversary and talk of her and of the days of their childhood. I like it and I never will forget when Father’s and Mother’s birthdays come. As we sat around the long table today the conversation turned on the convention, so soon to meet in Tallahassee. Father said he considered this the most momentous year in the history of the South. He is for Secession and he does not think that war will necessarily follow. Brother Junius is a strong Union man and he thinks we will certainly have war; he says we will have war in any event. If the South secedes the North will fight to keep us, and if we do not secede all our property rights will be taken from us and we will be obliged to fight to hold our own. He says he is in for the fight but he wants to fight in the Union not out of it. Father thinks it is more honorable to take an open and decided stand and let all the world know what we are doing. Everyone at table who expressed an opinion was firmly set against the Republican party. Mother says she wants the negroes freed but she wants the United States Government to make laws which will free them gradually. All agree on one point, if the negroes are freed our lands will be worthless. I wonder how it would feel to be poor and work like the people Hannah Moore writes about?

A New England teacher expresses her views in the South—and reaps the consequences.—Through Some Eventful Years.
December 28th, 1860.—We had a fine Christmas. I cannot see that our black folks ever think of John Brown’s raid and if they do it evidently does not interest them much. We are trying to forget it and perhaps the clouds may pass away.
There is trouble at Live Oak. Miss Lottie Church, from somewhere in New England, came in October to teach Lucy and Horton Branch and Uncle William and Aunt Mary liked her very much, the children did, too. She said it was the easiest work she ever had to do, for the children are small and must not be closely confined and Miss Church had a carriage and horses and a good driver to take them out riding every plesant day. She could take them riding in the country or she could go in town and she laughed and said it was the first time she had ever had a carriage at her commnd. She was pretty and vivacious and she was often asked out in the evenings and there was a way provided for her to go when she wished, for it is in the country and she must have an escort, though she thought that entirely superfluous. Yesterday Mr. R. Barnwell Rhett, the editor of the Charleston Mercury, and Mr. Colcock, both of them from South Carolina and both aunt Mary’s brothers-in-law came on a flying visit to Live Oak. At the dinner table politics naturally was the sole topic of conversation and these gentlemen expressed their views as plainly as the King’s English would allow. Miss Church was furious. She forgot that these gentlemen knew nothing of her political faith nor of the land of her nativity and she burst forth in such a wild tirade of invective and abuse that everybody was astonished—to say the least of it. The carriage in which she had taken so many pleasant rides was ordered to be at the door in time to catch the first train out of Tallahassee and that was the last we knew of Miss Lottie Church. I am so glad we have Southern teachers in this neighborhood. Hattie Lester came home on a visit for Christmas; I am going to miss her dreadfully when she goes.
December 8th, 1860.—Miss Sadie Talbot, our new governess, arrived today. She and her sister are Southern girls from Easton, Maryland.
They are tall blondes and very pretty, I think. They have the little touch in their speech which most Marylanders whom I have known have had, and it sounds real sweet from them though it sounds affected in a great big man like Mr. Burton. These young ladies were educated at Poughkeepsie, New York, but they are real Southerners, though they are not in favor of secession; but they are quite young and full of fun.
The legislature met in Tallahassee in November and Governor Perry advised that they call a convention to meet January 3rd, to consider whether Florida shall follow South Carolina’s example or not; so I suppose we will soon know our fate. Florida is a big state in area but her people are comparatively few and the settlements are far apart. Florida is a young state, too; she is only one year older than I am, so she must be almost a child still. The question is, can she stand alone? I hear all the pros and cons of this movement from both the Secession and the Union side, so I am afraid I am sometimes a little mixed as to politics. Anyway Christmas is much more interesting so I will think about that. I like Miss Sadie, (she says we must call her Miss Sadie and it is best for her sister is Miss Talbot).
Politics in Eighteen Hundred and Sixty
OUR young friend of the diary is not going to school this summer; the days are long and hot and the political fight which is on is much hotter than the weather.
Two years before this time Mr. Hopkins, the “Uncle Arvah” of the diary, had brought from his old home, Ithica, New York, a nephew who wished to come South and engage in business. Mr. Hopkins was par excellence, the merchant prince of Tallahassee; his income was large and his heart was ever open to the call of any who wished assistance. He carried a stock of goods which in richness and elegance surpassed anything ever seen in Tallahassee before or since. His home “Goodwood” was a model of beauty and comfort and was the centre of all social activities. Mrs. Hopkins was the youngest daughter of Governor John Branch and had been a belle in Washington society. She had a delightful voice and was an accomplished performer on the piano, the harp and the guitar. Her husband had a splendid baritone voice and the music they made was worth going far to hear.
This young nephew they brought south was fresh from the typical small farm of the North. He had a part to play in the life of that farm and the change, to him, was great. He entered the store of A. Hopkins & Co., and under the tutelage of his accomplished relatives he took on a polish which was more than “skin deep.” Polite, accommodating, always on the lookout for an opportunity to serve, he soon became a general favorite. You will hear more of him later on.
Storm clouds hung heavy over our land and yet we did not realize to what we were drifting. The year of Eighteen Hundred and Sixty was a most momentous year—it held in its grasp the fate of the Nation—it behooved the people of this great country to gather their wits about them, to move slowly and with caution, to bear, with patience the recriminations which continually passed between the two sections. To hold fast to that Constitution, which, at its first conception, had threatened to be drawn up in blood of the people, who it seemed at first, were unable to agree to the provisions of this, the greatest political document ever known to the world. Now an insistant voice from the Northland, ever increasing in volume, sought to set aside this Constitution; to install in its place a “Higher Law.”
The advocates of this higher law did not seem, themselves to know just what it was they were insisting upon. Freedom for the negro came first; freedom from matrimonial bonds; then freedom from the constraint laid by the Holy Bible upon the passions of human-kind. The Commandments were relegated to the background; the rights secured by the Constitution to all citizens of this great and growing nation, were set aside and a wholesale system of stealing was inaugurated in the effort to bring about negro freedom.
These slaves had been bought and paid for by the Southern planters; often these slaves had been bought from Northern owners, who felt no qualms of conscience in accepting from his Southern brother the full value of the aforesaid slaves. The stealing of his property naturally roused the ire of the owner. It is our belief that if the United States had offered a fair price for these slaves and fixed the time for freeing them in such a manner as to make it gradual, in this way each slave as he reached the age of twenty-five to be automatically free, nine-tenths of the Southern slave-holders would have been glad to accept. The life of the master, and more especially the mistress of slaves was not an enviable position. It entailed great responsibility; it brought with it many cares; there was a certain pleasure accompanying the cares, to be sure. It was a pleasure to look around on a well-ordered plantation, on healthy, happy laborers whom we loved and who returned that love; to see little children, with their engaging ways and to pet them as we would so many playful kittens, only with a deeper feeling; for white children are not the only children who are interesting.
Naturally the Southerner did not relish the idea of having his property stolen. This campaign of 186o came on a people heated almost to the boiling point by Harriet Beecher Stowe and other writers of that ilk. At the North a fanatical determination to carry their point; at the South an equally firm determination to stand up for State’s Rights and to abide by the Constitution of our fathers.
It was like two brothers who held different views and each, feeling he was right, held fast his determination. Rapidly the months passed. At the Democratic Convention in Charleston, South Carolina, the ultra Southern ticket was nomiated; Breckinridge and Lane were the candidates. In Richmond, Va., another Convention was held; this did not accomplish much and still another was held in Baltimore. The Democratic party after its usual manner failed to agree and the result was two, or perhaps you might say three tickets in the field. The pity of it! For now defeat stared them in the face. The Republican party nominated as their candidates Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin and though, at first their chances were slim enough, the stubborn stand made by the Democratic party, virtually gave to the “black Republicans” the victory.
Never before, not even in the days of “Tippecanoe and Tyler too” was there so much excitement and unrepressed ill-feeling. Breckinridge and Lane were the most popular of the candidates put forward by the Democrats. Stephen A. Douglass and Herschel V. Johnston, former Governor of Georgia, were more conservative and were not so enthusiastically greeted in the running. John Bell, of Tennessee, was not, strictly speaking, a Whig, Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, was his mate on the ticket. There were some Old Line Whigs, who were not satisfied with these, but nevertheless they voted the ticket when the election took place.
At the North the excitement was great also. The conservative element saw danger ahead; the Northern Democrats had an intense jealousy of their Southern brethren; the Republicans (the black Republicans) were true to their name and harped continually on the one string of negro freedom. Lincoln at first, expressed himself freely as being opposed to this, but later he found it more expedient to lull conscience to sleep and adopt the views of those who had brought him into the limelight.
So the situation rested. The straight-out Democrats stood for State’s Rights and the Constitution of our fathers, the negro meant little or nothing to them. The conservative Democrats were more prudent; they saw probable loss in the event of a split in the Union, none of them really believed war would be the outcome. This loss, in their minds would, in the event of secession, confine slavery to strictly southern territory and thus it could never spread. The Whigs, too, were conservative and slow. To them, secession was obnoxious and they fought it bitterly to the end. Not, however, after it was un fait accompli then with one accord every true son of the South, casting politics to the winds, cast in his fortunes with his state and later with the Confederacy, and the result was the finest body of soldiery the sun ever shone upon. But all this came later.
The die was cast, the election was over and the black Republicans would come into power the succeeding March. South Carolina spoke up at once to express her sentiments. She hoisted the banner of a palmetto with a coiled rattlesnake and the motto: “Don’t tread on me,” and we who knew South Carolina fully recognized the fact that she was dangerous.
Florida was wild to follow South Carolina’s lead; Mississippi was just as ready and the other states had the question under discussion. The Legislature of South Carolina was in session when Lincoln was declared elected and they promptly called a convention to discuss the situation.
July 4th, 1860.—We went to Tallahassee to attend a celebration of our country’s birthday. Brother Amos belongs to the Governor’s Guards, most of the younger men and boys about grown belong to it too. They have handsome blue uniforms and a brass band to play for them to march. It is a cavalry company and all have fine horses; it is needless to say they make a splendid appearance. The color-bearer carried a large silk flag and I was so proud of The Star-spangled Banner. Francis Scott Key, who wrote that beautiful song, was a friend of Grandpa’s and sent him one of the very first copies ever printed; it is bound in Mother’s music book, and she is so proud of it. Today when the company paraded the band played Hail Columbia first but the crowd clamored for The Star-spangled Banner, showing which they loved best. After the parade there was a picnic dinner and a dance on a platform built for the occasion.
All are tired but me, I am so excited over the day’s proceedings that I cannot sleep, so I am writing it up. Some fine speeches were made and politics were left in the background for once. We came home in the cool of the evening and as we rode along the quiet country road we woke the echoes with one patriotic song after another. When I studied English History it seemed to me that our history was not near so interesting as it was and Scotch History was more entertaining than either English or French. Will there ever come a time when the history of the United States of America will fill one or more big volumes?
December 15th, I859.Miss Platt has gone—Last night a letter came in the mail for her. It was a little late but the children had not gone to bed so Lucy carried it upstairs and she came back so excited. Robert, who is Fannie’s little boy, eleven years old he is now, was in Miss Platt’s room; she was holding him in her lap and kissing him and crying over him. Mother went upstairs to see about this and it was just as Lucy said. Mother talked to her and explained that in our country we did not do things like this and advised her to refrain from all such in the future.
Mother told us not to mention this to anybody. Well we did not, but Miss Platt was caught trying to persuade the negroes to rise up and follow in John Brown’s footsteps, put the torch to the home of every white man and murder the people wholesale, sparing none. Jordan and Adeline had found it out and told it. I am so glad our black folks love us and are our friends. Mother says it is so near Christmas she will not try to get another governess until after the holidays.
note: Robert, Fannie, Jordan, and Adeline were all slaves.
Now that the frolicking is over and there is plenty of time to read the papers, I find much to trouble and alarm. This is a Presidential year and already there are indications of a hot fight. Brother Junius is an Old Line Whig and Father and Buddy are Democrats. They almost quarrel over their different views. Everett and Bell are the Whig candidates, while Breckinridge and Lane are ours. General Lane is our cousin and we feel an interest in his success, but there are others in the race also and nobody can tell how it will be decided.
Lincoln and Hamlin are the Black Republican candidates. This seems to be a new political party and, as near as I can come at it, they have two objects in view, the freeing of the Negroes and the downfall of the South. I am only a child but reading the papers, that is the way it seems to be.
The Convention was held in Charleston, South Carolina, and there was great excitement, the Democrats were not satisfied at putting out a good strong ticket but brought out another, Stephen A. Douglass and Herschel V. Johnston. I cannot remember which name comes first. Father regrets deeply that they should have done this, for, he says, it will weaken the chances of the Democrats.
Mattie is so cute; because her father is a Whig she says she is a Whig too, she shakes her golden curls and turns up her pretty little nose when Cousin Rob and I sing Democratic songs, one especially, sung to the tune of “Benny Havens, Oh:”
“Hark from the tomb a doleful sound,
We hear a mournful yell,
Old fogies shout discordant notes
For Everett and Bell.”
This to Mattie is like shaking a red rag at a bull, isn’t it too funny? I mean to read the papers every day and keep up with the news.
Half an hour later. Just as I was closing my diary Father, who was lying on the couch in the library where I was writing, said: “What is my baby writing? It has brought a real grown-up frown to her face.” I gave him the book to read, he did not say a word for awhile and then he said, “You are getting to be quite a politician. I didn’t know you felt such an interest,” and then he talked to me for some minutes concerning the campaign, which was even now upon us and he told me to come to him whenever there was anything I could not understand. He thought well of the plan of reading the newspapers. He said it was the duty of men and women to keep themselves informed in all matters concerning the welfare of the country.
April 12th, 1860.—We are going to have a May Party at Greenwood. Florence Holland will be our Queen. She is the prettiest of all our girls. I am Maid of Honor and we have ever so many different ones in it. It will be pleasant no doubt, but I have been so happy all the winter and spring, having Grandpa and Grandma in Florida, that I really begrudge the time given to anything else. They do not stay at Live Oak any more. Grandpa gave Live Oak to Uncle William (his youngest son) and he lives at Waverly. The house is not the splendid mansion that he left but it is pretty and comfortable and it sits in the midst of the most magnificent grove of oaks in Leon County.
Henry and Dan (my step uncles) and Johnnie Branch came with Grandpa and we have the best times. We each have a horse and Grandpa lets us ride whenever we like. He is not nervous and isn’t always looking out for us to get hurt, which is very gratifying, for we think we are big enough and old enough to take care of ourselves.
April 22nd, 1860.—Grandpa has consented to stay until after the May Party and we feel so complimented that he should honor us with his presence. Now I am going to practice my part in good earnest for I do not want to fail when he is coming to look on.
May 3rd, 1860.—The May Party was a complete success; everyone who came said it was. Our Queen was beautiful and the flower girls were, too. All the party looked their best and there was a large crowd from Tallahassee and from Thomasville. Grandpa was pleased and said so many pretty things about the whole affair.
On the morning of the 2nd Grandpa and Grandma set out for North Carolina, taking the boys with them. I had hoped we could go to visit them this coming summer but Father says planters in the South will have to stay at home for awhile. The sky is clear now but the storm may come at any time.
March 24th, 1860.—I have a splendid piece of news to record here, my diary: Sister Mag has a baby boy and he is the first grandson in the house and my nephew. I feel as if I could not love him enough for he is to be named for Father. He is very small and very red, but he is a dear in spite of that and I know he will be lots of fun.
March 26th, 1860.—The baby is not to have Father’s full name after all; he is to be named for both of his grandfathers and that makes him James Edward Whitehead. Maybe I won’t love him so well, but I think I will, for he is Sister Mag’s own dear little son and I shall love him for that, even if I am disappointed. When Brother Junius looked at him he said, “another soldier to fight for the flag,” but I hope he will never have the opportunity to fight. War and bloodshed seem very terrible to me.
Lucy Brodie is making us a visit, she does not think much of babies. Her father was my father’s commission merchant once and the Brodie family lived in Tallahassee but they went back to New York when Lucy was quite young and she does not remember her Florida home. She is thirteen years old now and deeply interested in all she sees. The negroes are something new to her every time she looks at one and she often remarks on their queer looks and ways. Yesterday when Lulu had braided her hair and dressed her, even putting on her shoes, she said, “When I get back home I am going to think of this and wish I had one of my very own to carry about with me.” I do not believe Lucy has been kept at school as steadily as I have been, for the books she studied last term are like those I studied three years ago. Lucy has been visiting at Woodstock and Goodwood and she says she has enjoyed it all. She would like to stay longer and she has promised to come again.