Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch

January 6, 2013

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol's.

In our camp was located Battery L, 5th U. S. Regulars. The battery boys did not like being inside the guard line of volunteers. Would run the guard line, making trouble for us. A sergeant of the battery, under the influence of drink, attempted to run the guard. Was halted, grabbed the sentinel’s musket, resulted in the sergeant’s being badly wounded. The wooden plug in the muzzle, with the bullet, passed through the sergeant’s body. He was not killed. (After a time he recovered.) After that event the battery boys and the 18th Regiment were friends. All were sorry over the event. No one blamed the sentinel. Cold rain and snow making the life of a soldier a very disagreeable one in tents, sleeping on the ground. Deep mud and very sticky all through our camp.

January 6th. Last night, while on guard duty, I was taken suddenly ill. Had to be relieved from duty. Placed in an old barn, used for a field hospital, with a leaky old roof, the rain coming down on me. Colonel, I was informed, came to the barn, saw my condition, ordered me carried to a general hospital known as Stuart’s Mansion, afterward named the Jarvis Hospital, at the west end of Baltimore. At the hospital I was examined by a surgeon who pronounced my illness typhoid fever and the pleurisy. I was placed in Ward 4. I was very ill. My side was cupped for the pleurisy.

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