Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for A rest.–Calls for a new campaign.–General Richardson “hopelessly ill with no chance of recovery. –Diary of Josiah Marshall Favill.

A rest.–Calls for a new campaign.–General Richardson “hopelessly ill with no chance of recovery. –Diary of Josiah Marshall Favill.

October 10, 2012

Diary of a Young Officer–Josiah Marshall Favill (57th New York Infantry)

October 10th. The army is still enjoying a rest, and has refitted, and barring additions to our ranks, is in as fine condition as ever.

The newspapers are getting anxious about another campaign, and it does look as though we were wasting valuable time, although none of us is particularly anxious for another fight. A great many new regiments have joined, and it is a thousand pities we can not send home their officers and distribute the men amongst the old regiments. What a tremendous difference that would make to the efficiency of the army.

On the 12th I rode over for the second time to Pry’s House, on the Antietam battlefield, to see General Richardson about Zook’s papers for promotion to be brigadier-general, but found the general hopelessly ill with no chance of recovery. I enjoyed the ride, although it was a little lonesome and tiresome. I have now letters from General Howard, Commanding Second division, General Caldwell, First brigade of our division, and General Stoneman, of the cavalry service, and the colonel’s brother, David, starts home with them to-morrow.

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