Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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War Diary and Letters of Stephen Minot Weld.

July 7, 2013

War diary and letters of Stephen Minot Weld

July 7.— Started at 8.15 A.M. for Frederick, and met at the Relay House Mr. Donaldson. I was glad to see him, and to find that his family were all well. He got out at Ellicott Mills. We passed on our way some ten trains loaded with troops for Harper’s Ferry. Headquarters reached Frederick a few minutes after we did. They were at the United States Hotel, and here General Meade received a dispatch saying that Vicksburg had fallen. Some ladies came in to see General Meade, giving him bouquets, and insisted on kissing him. I saw the performance through the window. I found our mail ambulance here, and rode out to our wagon train, about a mile out from Frederick. I found that my mare had not been returned, and accordingly sent James out after her. He found her after hunting four hours. It rained heavily this evening, and during the night.

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