Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

August.—The New York State S. S.¹ convention is convened here and the meetings are most interesting. They were held in our church and lasted three days. A Mr Hart, from New York, led the singing and Mr Ralph Wells was Moderator. Mr Noah T. Clarke was in his element all through the meetings. Mr Pardee gave some fine blackboard exercises. During the last afternoon Mr Tousley was wheeled into the church, in his invalid chair, and said a few words, which thrilled every one. So much tenderness, mingled with his old time enthusiasm and love for the cause. It is the last time probably that his voice will ever be heard in public. They closed the grand meeting with the hymn beginning:

” Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love.”

In returning thanks to the people of Canandaigua for their generous entertainment, Mr Ralph Wells facetiously said that the cost of the convention must mean something to Canandaigua people, for the cook in one home was heard to say, ” These religiouses do eat awful!”


¹ Sunday School

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