Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Thursday, June 2. — March at 5 A. M. White Sulphur to Callaghan, about fourteen miles; a cloudy, good marching day. Nothing of interest today. Bill Jackson left Callaghan three days ago.

June 2, Thursday. There is intense anxiety in relation to the Army of the Potomac. Great confidence is felt in Grant, but the immense slaughter of our brave men chills and sickens us all. The hospitals are crowded with the thousands of mutilated and dying heroes who have poured out their blood for the Union cause. Lee has returned to the vicinity of Richmond, overpowered by numbers, beaten but hardly defeated.

by John Beauchamp Jones

            JUNE 2D—Very warm and cloudy.

There was no general engagement yesterday, but heavy skirmishing, and several assaults at different points; and a dispatch from Gen. Lee says they resulted favorably to our arms.

            A dispatch from Gen. Johnston says his men are in good plight, after combats enough to make a battle, in all of which the enemy suffered most.

            The local troops (Custis’s battalion, etc.) were ordered out today. I have not understood to what point they were ordered ; but it indicates the imminency of a battle. Lee has not less than 80,000 men—veterans.

            I saw, to day, Gen. Beauregard’s plan, dated May 14th. It was addressed to Gen. Bragg, “Commanding Confederate States Armies.” He suggested the falling back on the defenses of Richmond, and detaching 15,000 to the south side to crush or drive away Butler. He would then not only return the 15,000 to the north side, but bring over 25,000 additional to crush Grant.

            This scheme was rejected by Bragg on the 19th, after consultation with the President and the Secretary: the latter indorsing his concurrence in the rejection, the President not committing himself in writing. But Beauregard was ordered to attack Butler without delay, which was done, and successfully; but he was not crushed, and still threatens our railroads with a portion of his army, while the rest has been sent to reinforce Grant.

            Nevertheless, Beauregard is here with some 20,000, and Lee did fall back to the defenses of Richmond.

            Congress has passed a bill increasing the compensation of themselves 100 per cent. Perhaps they will not adjourn now, but remain and await events.

            Senator Hunter and the Secretary of War promenaded the Square yesterday afternoon in a long “confabulation,” supposed by some to relate to political matters.

            5 O’CLOCK P.M.—Heavy and quick cannonading heard some eight or ten miles east of the city. It continued until night, when it was raining and cold; and Custis had no blanket, not anticipating such a change.

June 2nd, 1864.—There are many aching hearts in our land these bright, beautiful summer days. If it was not for the little children, who do not realize the danger we are facing, I do not believe we could stand it. Bless their dear young hearts, which are so light that they overflow with merriment no matter how black everything looks to us.

Fighting is almost continuous now and there is not standing room around the bulletin board, to do more than get a hurried glance at the list of “Killed, Wounded and Missing.” Oh, those horrible words, I seem to see them in letters of fire when I wake in the night.

Father has a very sick patient and Mother is helping to nurse him. Mrs. Manning, Aunt Robinson and I have been busy packing a large box of clothing to be sent tomorrow to the army of Northern Virginia.

A late supper of rice-cakes, Irish potatoes and squabs, cooked in Adeline’s best style, finished the day. It is now 10 o’clock and everybody ought to be abed and asleep. We will not hear from the front tonight. May the news, when we hear it, be good.