Monday evg., May 22.—I went to Teachers’ meeting at Mrs. Worthington’s to-night. Mrs. George Willson is the leader and she told us at the last meeting to be prepared this evening to give our opinion in regard to the repentance of Solomon before he died. We concluded that he did repent although the Bible does not absolutely say so. Grandmother thinks such questions are unprofitable, as we would better be repenting of our sins, instead of hunting up Solomon’s at this late day.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Monday, 22d—It is quite warm. Still in camp, and there’s nothing of importance. We had company inspection at 2 o’clock this afternoon.
22nd. After breakfast M. and I called at Electa’s and visited the capitol. Strawberries. Went to Patent Office, met the Holtslanders. When we got home found Stanton with horse. Waited at depot for Uncle till 10 P. M. then went to camp.
Chattanooga, Monday, May 22. Heavy rains last night. Fair day. Reveille sounded before four. Were on the drill ground before 6 A. M. for brigade drill, but the ground being so wet, we were sent back without drilling any. Three of us with two hatchets reported at Captain Nicklin’s headquarters for duty; he sent us on top of his house to fix the roof where it was leaking very badly on wife’s carpets. We were no mechanics and I fear did the job very poorly. This is the way they find work for us to do, now that there is nobody to fight. Very convenient, I suppose they think.
After noon went out to the hills grazing. The cherries in the orchard were in fine condition, nice and ripe. Several of us enjoyed a rare treat, left many behind because we could not eat them all. Haywood of our tent gone to the hospital quite sick. Just left home and is downhearted.