14th. Spent the day in camp. Some rain. Sent in my resignation. The morale of the regiment is very low. A spirit of insubordination and independence prevails. Boys are very dissipated.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Chattanooga, Wednesday, June 14. Another very hot day. No drill of any kind. The other batteries go out every morning. Our officers are very easy on the boys at present. 6th Battery has changed commanders again. Simpson was mustered in this morning as captain and Jenawein as first lieutenant. This leaves a vacancy for second lieutenant soon to be filled by ——, I suppose. If he will be appointed it will cause much dissatisfaction among the men for he is not liked in the least. No “grape-vine” excitement to-day. What is to happen?
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Wed. Eve., June 14, 1865.—Our transportation starts for Johnsonville tomorrow morning, and General Wood informed me this evening that it is understood that the Second Division also goes tomorrow and our division on Friday. We probably shall not get off, however, before Saturday. If not delayed, I think I can get home by Thursday of next week, but a delay of a day or two at Johnsonville is not at all improbable. So do not look for me until the last of the week. I am very busy getting ready to move, and in the absence of the Adjutant am compelled to look after all of the details of business in person. The men mustered out will get off tomorrow evening.
I suppose you are steaming through Indiana now. It is intolerably lonesome here since you left, and we need the excitement of a march to help our spirits.
Wednesday, 14th—The weather is sultry. We occupied the day in cleaning our clothing and accouterments. The long journey of eight hundred miles on coal cars and transports was pretty hard on our clothes as well as trying on the men, for we had no protection from the hot sun nor shelter from the rain. The farmers around here are harvesting, and the grain looks fine.