20th. A very hot day. Read some. Saw Hayes. Time hangs heavily while waiting. Played a good game of ball with Co. “H.” Haven’t been so much engaged for years.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
June 20th. By the disposal of all the government property our duty seems to come to an end. Nothing more for us to do. We may now be ordered home, or to some other point for duty. We are all anxious to get home.
June 20, 1865.—William reached home on leave of absence for 20 days.
Tuesday, 20th—Very pleasant weather. I sold my watch to Samuel Bair for $25.00, receiving $20.00 in cash, the balance remaining unpaid. They have fine macadamized roads out from the city, and there are men working on them all the time, but they would be killing on soldiers marching over them.
Chattanooga, Tuesday, June 20. Drill early. Returned to get four letters, one from sister Jane, tugging bravely on amidst her sixty-four pupils. The next from Hannah, jubilant at the immediate prospect of relief from her confinement. Third from J. L. Bugs are threatening crops, too bad. Fourth, from Miss B. of Ohio, the “J” in her name converted to “Jones”. Judges I am a “literary gentleman”, declares she looks with more anxiety for my letters than any other, ha! ha! Keep calm, keep calm!
On duty drawing forage. Topic of the day, 20th Indiana Battery going home, guns and horses, etc. turned over. This is looked upon as an opening for the reserve, it being a ’62 organization, but it was sent for directly from the State. Other batteries cleaning up harness, etc.