12th. Immediately after breakfast packed up and went around to bid my friends goodbye. Felt sad as well as happy. God bless the friends at Benton Barracks. Got paid. Saw Will B. Off at 4 P. M. Made several acquaintances. Can hardly realize that I am going back home to stay.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Wednesday, 12th—Very pleasant weather. Our regimental muster-out rolls are almost ready.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
On Steamer Clara Dalson, July 12, 1865.—We are now steaming past Milliken’s Bend, 28 miles above Vicksburg, where we expect to be before noon. We left Cairo at 2 p. m. Sunday. Arrived at Memphis, 240 miles below Cairo, at 5 p. m. Monday. Were near Helena yesterday morning. Passed the mouths of White and Arkansas rivers and Napoleon yesterday afternoon, and this morning find ourselves here. We are 600 miles below Cairo and over 1,000 miles from Racine. We are yet 400 miles from New Orleans.
We are having a delightful trip. We have a good boat, and good fare; weather comfortably cool, with considerable rain. We expect to be at New Orleans by Friday. We hear nothing of the corps moving as yet. We have green corn every day, and found plenty of ripe peaches at Memphis. The country is low and flat, but large plantations are becoming more frequent.