Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

April 9.—In the National House of Representatives, there was a very exciting discussion, in Committee of the Whole, on a resolution offered by Mr. Colfax to expel Mr. Alexander Long, of Ohio, for disloyal sentiments uttered in his speech on Friday last. During the discussion, Mr. Benjamin G. Harris, of Maryland, arose, and boldly avowed his gratification at the secession of the South, justifying it fully, and rebuking the Democratic party for not daring to come up to his standard of political morality. Mr. E. B. Washburne, of Illinois, instantly offered a resolution to expel Mr. Harris, which received eighty-one votes against fifty-eight; but two thirds being required, the resolution was not adopted. Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, then offered a resolution, severely censuring Mr. Harris, declaring him to be an unworthy member of the House, which was adopted. The proceedings were very turbulent, and the debates very sharp. —The heaviest freshet known in Virginia for ten years occurred this night on the line of the Orange and Alexandria road. Several bridges were seriously damaged, and one was washed away entirely.

—This morning, about two o’clock, a small tug was discovered approaching the flag-ship Minnesota, lying off Newport News, Va. She was hailed, and answered in reply to the question, “What boat is that?” “The Roanoke.” Still approaching, she was warned to keep off or she would be fired upon. Regardless of the warning, she came on, drifting with the tide, and when quite near, steamed straight at the port quarter, striking the Minnesota with a torpedo or infernal machine, which exploded, shaking the vessel with a terrible concussion from stem to stern, and throwing the tug several yards from the ship. Immediately steam was raised on the tug, and before any thing could be done by the people on board the ting-ship, the tug was safe off in the darkness.

The Government tug, laying alongside the flag-ship, that should have had steam up and given chase, as she was ordered on the spot, danced up and down on the disturbed waves, powerless for harm to the unknown midnight visitor.

—The battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, was fought this day.—(Doc. 131.)

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