November 3.—The ladies of Springfield, Mo., presented a flag to the Prairie Scouts, commanded by Major Frank J. White. They desired also to present one to Fremont’s body-guard, but it was declined, on behalf of the Guard, by Major Zagonyi in a letter, whose tenor is that the honor was rendered valueless to the Guard by its being at the same time conferred upon the Scouts.— (Doc. 128.)
—Lieut. Alfred Kantz, of the steamer Flag, taken prisoner by the Confederates, arrived at Washington, D. C., having been liberated on parole, to make arrangements for the exchange of the Federal prisoners at Richmond. He represented them there as suffering from an insufficiency of clothing and other necessaries.— Baltimore American, November 4.
—The Columbia South Carolinian, of this date, has the following:—”One hundred and fifty of Lincoln’s mercenaries, part of the second grand army of Washington, arrived yesterday from Richmond, and are quartered for safe keeping in our district jail. Coming to destroy our property, our people, and our liberty, they have been foiled in the effort, and lost their own freedom. They have learned a lesson of wisdom, and no doubt found that they were mistaken in entering a crusade for the subjugation of a race of people who are their superiors. They are here a degraded herd, and unworthy of sympathy or commiseration. Every one deserves to be shot, and the chances of liberation taken from him. We trust they will be entirely isolated from all external communication, and looked upon as John Brown’s men, as they are. The prisoners were under the charge of Lieutenant Porter, C. S. A., and a detachment of fifty-six men from the Charlotte Greys, under command of Lieutenant T. S. Henry. There are many boys among them, and they are generally a rough-looking set.”
—General Hunter arrived at Springfield, Mo., and assumed command of the forces previously under General Fremont.—Nea York Herald, November 5.
—Gen. Beauregard wrote a letter to the editors of the Richmond Whig, in relation to the controversy upon the publication of a synopsis of his report of the battle of Manassas. He entreats his friends “not to trouble themselves about slanders or calumnies aimed against him,” and declares his intention to return to private life after having assisted to the best of his ability in securing Southern independence.—(Doc. 129.)