Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

December 25.—Two spans of a bridge across the Charleston River, Mo., on the Hannibal and St. Joseph’s Railroad, were burned by the rebels this night.— Cincinnati Enquirer, December 27.

—This day about noon, the stout gunboat Florida, C. S. N., concluded to celebrate Christmas eve by a small set-to with the insolent Lincoln cruiser New London, which was lying off the mouth of the harbor of Mobile, Ala. The Florida ran down to the westward of Sand Island, and challenged the New London to come on, which she did, and for an hour or two a lively cannonade at long taw furnished an excitingly interesting exhibition for the entertainment of the great audience which viewed it— the four thousand men who garrison Forts Morgan and Gaines, as well as the crews of the blockading vessels, being the spectators. The Florida could not come to close quarters with the enemy by reason of the shoal water of a bar intervening, and could she have got out it is likely she would have had more than she could attend to with the several blockaders that were lying off in deep water. The engagement was lengthy, and many shots were fired on both sides, and ended by the New London backing out, as usual. The Florida was not touched, but it is thought that three of her pills took effect on the enemy. All but these three were seen to strike the water, but the thousands of eyes which watched could not tell where these three went to if they were not stopped by the New London. She was evidently hit hard, for after backing out of the fight she signalled the fleet, and one of them ran down and lay alongside of her for several hours, rendering assistance, it is supposed. The spectators say that the Florida’s long and terrible guns were admirably served, the practice being excellent, placing the shot and shell all around the mark, so close, in many instances, as to apparently dash the water upon the Lincolnite’s decks. The engagement, is said to have been a most animating and exciting scene as witnessed from the forts.—Mobile Evening News, December 26.

—The Lighthouse, situated on Morris’ Island, Charleston, S. C., harbor, and which for many years has guided the mariner to the harbor, was blown up to-night by order of the military authorities. Only a heap of ruins marks the spot where it stood. — Charleston Courier, December 28.

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