December 27.—Intelligence was received at Washington that Col. Canby, in command of the military department of New Mexico, had retaken Forts Craig and Stanton, on the Mesilla birder, driving the Texans away, and was on the way to Fort Fillmore to dispossess the rebels at that post, which was traitorously surrendered by Colonel Lynde to an inferior force of Texans. Thence he intended marching into Arizona to drive off the rebels.—The Legislature of New Mexico met on the 2d of December. Governor Connelly, in his message, recommended active measures with reference to the Indians who had been tampered with by Albert Pike, suggesting that they be located on the reservations, and encouraged in agricultural pursuits. The Indians, for the greater part, were peaceable and friendly to the United States Government.—Philadelphia Press, Dec. 28.
—The burning of buildings near New Market Bridge, Va., by order of Brigadier-General Mansfield, called forth the following order from General Wool:
Headquarters Department Virginia
Fort Monroe, Dec. 26, 1861
General Order No. 50.—The Major-General Commanding the Department regrets to learn that some of our troops recently crossed New Market Bridge and fired some buildings in retaliation for similar acts of vandalism committed by the rebels on the side nearest our encampments. Two wrongs do not make one right, and such conduct is in violation of existing orders, and for which, in this case, there does sot exist the slightest excuse. If the insurgents wish to increase the notoriety which they possess for burning villages and frame houses, and destroying property belonging to their own people, as well as others, it affords an opportunity for our opposite policy to stand out in bold relief, and should not be neglected. The Major-General Commanding would again express his decided disapprobation of such proceedings on the part of our troops. By command of
Major-General Wool.
W. D. Whipple, A. A.-G.
This order was sent to Camp Butler, to be read to all the troops under the command of General Mansfield.
—The rebel privateer Isabel succeeded, after several fruitless attempts, in running the blockade off Charleston, S. C., last night. There were eleven war vessels off the harbor at the time. The gunboat Pocahontas was despatched in pursuit, but without success, the Isabel being far the faster of the two.—N. Y. Herald, Jan. 4, 1862.
—This evening the bridges over the Fabius and North Fabius rivers, Mo., on the Palmyra Railroad, were set on fire by the rebels and destroyed.
—Arthur Rankin, member of the Canadian Parliament, and Colonel of the Union Lancers, deeming further connection with the United States service improper, in view of the complications with England, resigned his commission and returned to Canada.—N. Y. Times, Dec. 29.
—In accordance with orders received from Gen. Halleck, the Provost Marshal-General, at St. Louis, directed that sixteen slaves, confined in St. Louis County jail, and advertised for sale under State statute, be released from prison and placed under control of the Chief Quartermaster of the Department for labor till further orders, said slaves being the property of rebels, and having been used for insurrectionary purposes. The legal condition of the negroes is in nowise changed. They are only set free from confinement, imprisonment, and sale, on the presumption that they are the slaves of rebel masters. General Halleck wishes it understood that this order will not debar any one from enforcing his legal rights to the services of these negroes. Such rights, if any exist, can be enforced through the loyal civil tribunals of the State, whose mandates will always be duly respected. The military authorities of the Department, as military officers, cannot decide upon the rights of property or claims to service except so far as they may be authorized by the laws of war or acts of Congress. When not so authorized they will avoid all interference with such questions. —Philadelphia, Press, Dec. 30.
—Capt. Fry, of Company B, Twentieth regiment, started out from Warsaw, Ky., with a file of men for Eagle Creek, about thirteen miles from the village, having been ordered to arrest Capt. Washington R. Sanders, and break up a company of secessionists, who rendezvoused at his house. When they reached the house of Mr. Sanders he was not to be found. Upon searching the premises a six-pound cannon was found buried, together with six kegs of gunpowder, a quantity of rifles, bowie-knives, pistols, swords, and percussion caps. The arms, and other materials, were taken to Warsaw.—Louisville Journal.
—Alfred Ely, United States Representative from the Rochester district of New York, who was captured by a Smith Carolina company of infantry at the battle of Bull Run, arrived at Washington, D. C., having been released in exchange for C. J. Faulkner, former U. S. Minister to France.—(Doc. 239.)
—A Correspondent of the Richmond Examiner, in a letter dated this day, gives the following account of affairs at the rebel camp in the vicinity of Manassas, Va.:
To-day our whole army is engaged in building log-houses for winter quarters, or in moving to sites already selected. Several brigades will remain where they now are, near the fortifications in Centreville, and the remainder will fall back a mile or two upon Bull Run. General Kirby Smith’s brigade is at Camp Wigfall, to the right of the Orange and Alexandria road, near the Run. Near by the whole of Van Dorn’s division are making themselves comfortable in their little cottages, which rise rapidly day by day under the diligent hands of the soldiers. A few brigades are scattered down toward the Occoquan, where wood and water are plenty, the furthest being by Davis’s Ford. The artillery, with the exception of Walton’s battalion, has already been located between Cub Run and Stone Bridge. The cavalry has fallen back a little, and they are now building stables and houses near Centreville.
General Stuart will remain in the advance. It is probable that General Johnston will occupy the Lewis House, on the battle field, and General Beauregard Wier’s, his old head-quarters. Longstreet’s division will occupy the advanced position, and will remain where it is at present. The artillerists, detailed to man the guns in the batteries, will also remain by the fortifications. In case of an attack by the Yankees, it will take about two hours to get the main strength of the army across Bull Run. Information of an approach would be given at least two hours before an enemy could come up, and in that time we could be well prepared to resist any force that can be brought up. That is about the situation of affairs for the winter, and it remains to be seen whether our men are to have an opportunity of a brush with the Yankees, or whether they will be allowed to enjoy their new houses in quietness. When I say all are ready for an attack, I express but feebly the feeling which pervades the army.
Yesterday a Marylander came through our lines, having left Washington the day previous. He brought some noticeable information as to the disposition of the Yankee troops.