Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

A Diary of American Events – July 24, 1861

July 24, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—The Richmond (Va.) Whig of today contains the following:—” The Devoted Band.”—The shortest path to peace is that which carries havoc and desolation to our invaders. It is believed that there are five or ten thousand men in the South ready and willing to share the fate of Curtius and devote themselves to the salvation of their country. It is proposed that all who are willing to make this sacrifice, shall arm themselves with a sword, two five shooters, and a carbine each, and meet on horseback at some place to be designated, convenient for the great work in hand. Fire and sword must be carried to the houses of those who are visiting those blessings upon their neighbors. Philadelphia, and even New York, is not beyond the reach of a long and brave arm. The moral people of these cities cannot be better taught the virtues of invasion than by the blazing light of their own dwellings.

None need apply for admission to “the Devoted Band ” but those who are prepared to take their life in their hand, and who would indulge not the least expectation of ever returning. They dedicate their lives to the destruction of their enemies!

A. S. B. D. B., Richmond.

All southern papers are requested to give this notice a few insertions.

—The Seventh Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanded by Colonel E. B. Harvey, arrived at Washington, D. C. The Regiment numbers 1,046 young and intelligent members.—Philadelphia Press, July 25.

—An expedition of 300 men under Lieut. Crosby, U. S. A., left Fortress Monroe to reconnoitre in Back River, Va., where it burned nine sloops and schooners, and made prize one schooner laden with bacon and corn.—N. Y. Times, July 27.

—This day the loyal citizens of Baltimore, Md., presented an American flag to the Massachusetts Eighth Regiment. The flag, which is of the richest banner silk, was presented in an eloquent and apropriate speech by Perley Lovejoy, Esq., which was responded to by Colonel Hinks, who alluded to the many kind friends the regiment had made in the city of Baltimore.—Baltimore American, July 25.

—Heavy offers of men were made to the Government by telegraph from all parts of the North. From Illinois, 17, and from Indiana, 10 regiments were offered. By noon of this day 80,000 men had been accepted.—An order was issued by General Mansfield directing all straggling soldiers to join their respective regiments without delay, and warning that all stragglers found in the streets six hours after the promulgation of the order, would be deemed guilty of disobedience of orders, and would be arrested. —N. Y. Herald, July 25.

—The Third Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, commanded by Colonel W. N. Smith, left St. Johnsbury, Vt., for the seat of war.—N. Y. Commercial, July 25.

—John Bradley, a young man studying for the ministry, son of a wealthy citizen, and Columbus Bradley were arrested this evening, at Alexandria, Va., by the Provost Marshal, as spies taking information to Manassas.—Louisville Journal, July 26.

—First Lieutenant Luigi Vizia, an Italian officer of the engineer department who has been many years in the military service, and who served with credit in the glorious campaign of Italian liberation of Italy, arrived at New York, to offer his services to the American Government. On his way to America he fell in with an agent of the rebel Government who attempted to persuade him to take service under that Government, and offered to pay his passage.— N. Y. Evening Post, July 26.

—The ladies of Harper’s Ferry, Va., presented a Union flag to the Second Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers to-day, with appropriate ceremonies.—Boston Advertiser, July 31.


Late addition to Volume 3:


July 24.—The Presbytery of South Alabama met at Selma, Alabama, and severed its ecclesiastical connection with the General Assembly of the United States, and recommended a meeting of a Confederate States Assembly at Memphis, Tennessee, on the 4th of December next. Though not in favor of a preliminary convention, yet the Presbytery, in view that such might be the general wish, appointed delegates to one and recommend Atlanta as that place, and the 15th August as the time for holding it.—N. Y. Evening Post, August 12.

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