—The Eighth and Seventy-first Regiments N. Y. S. M., returned to New York this afternoon, and met with an enthusiastic reception. Broadway was thronged, and vociferous cheers greeted them at every crossing.—N. Y. Times, July 27.
—In the Mississippi Legislature Mr. Harrison presented a series of resolutions, expressing the gratitude of the Senate of that State in the late brilliant achievement by the Confederate arms on the battle-field at Bull Run, which being amended by Mr. Drane, were adopted.— (Doc. 126.)
—A fight occurred at Lane’s Prairie, fifteen miles from Rolla, Mo., between a party of sixty-five rebels, and fifteen Home Guards from Rolla. The Guards were surrounded, but they made a determined stand, and after a few volleys dispersed the rebels, killing their first lieutenant and mortally wounding three others. One lieutenant and two privates on the National side were slightly wounded.—N. Y. Times, July 30.
—The Fourth Regiment of New Jersey Militia, and the First Regiment of Rhode Island, left Washington on their return from service.— Phila. Press, July 27.
—Since the disaster to the national arms on Sunday last at Bull Run, the State of Pennsylvania has thrown forward, to meet the requirements of the National Government, ten full regiments of infantry. On Sunday night, July 21st, the Governor was urgently requested to push on his forces, and his response within the ensuing four days was a magnificent army of nearly 11,000 picked men, thoroughly uniformed and furnished, and having most of them been regularly drilled in camps of instruction for two months.
Great pains have been bestowed by the State authorities upon this fine army. It has been organized under the supervision of George A. McCall, long an officer in the regular army, through all the grades of which he has passed with distinction to the rank he now holds in it of Brigadier-general. The State has also an artillery regiment and a regiment of twelve hundred cavalry nearly ready for service, both of which have been accepted by the Secretary of War. To the foresight and wise energy of Governor Curtin is chiefly owing the ability of the State to contribute so promptly and efficiently to the national safety in the present emergency.—Philadelphia Pres, July 27.
—To-day, in Virginia, Col. McLeod Murphy captured three rebels in uniform, while out scouting on his own account. He saw three of them getting water, while their arms were leaning against a tree but a few feet off. Col. Murphy rode up, and, without firing his revolver, collared the crowd and brought them into camp.—N. Y. World, July 27.
—The Second Regiment of Georgia volunteers from Savannah, passed through Charleston, S. C., on their way to Virginia.—Charleston Mercury, July 27.
—Brevet Second Lieut. Clarence Derrick, of the Engineer Corps, Brevet Second Lieut. Jas. P. Parker, Fourth Infantry, and Brevet Second Lieut. Frank A. Reynolds, having resigned just after graduating from West Point a few weeks since, were dismissed from the service of the United States.—Philadelphia Inquirer, July 27.
James H. Otey, Bishop of Tennessee, issued a pastoral letter to the clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in his diocese, promulgating a prayer and service to be used on the Sunday preceding the day of thanksgiving fixed by the “Confederate Congress,” and suggesting to the clergy that in the prayer for the President of the United States, and in the prayer for Congress also, the words “United States” be omitted, and the words “Confederate States” be substituted in both places.—(Doc. 127.)
—A Correspondent at Fortress Monroe, Va., in a letter of this date, says: It became apparent, early last evening, that the rebels meditated an attack on Hampton. Gen. Butler determined to abandon the town in case of a formidable advance, and at seven o’clock the order was given for families and goods to be removed. Within one hour, orders were also issued to burn the town rather than have it fall into the hands of the enemy. The General well understands that the possession of Hampton by the rebels will be of no particular importance.
A stampede of the colored population took place all night, and to-day the road has been lined with refugees to the fortress, and army wagons, and carts bringing in goods from Hampton. The road has presented a most remarkable appearance; nearly 1,000 contraband men, women, and children must have come in during the last twenty-four hours.—N. Y. Times, Aug. 1.