Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events.

March 8, 2012

The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

March 8.—This day, about one o’clock in the afternoon, an attack was made upon a foraging party of the Fourth Ohio cavalry, Mitchell’s division, five miles south of Nashville, Tennessee, by Morgan’s rebel cavalry, which resulted in their taking eighteen of the National wagons, teamsters, and mules, and burning one wagon. The rebels took Capt. Braden, of Gen. Dumont’s staff, prisoner. At three o’clock P.M., the Fourth Ohio cavalry and Loomis’s battery pursued the rebels, capturing four men, killing four, and retaking all the wagons and prisoners. Morgan escaped with two men. A sergeant of the Thirty-seventh Indiana regiment, of Col. Turchin’s brigade, was shot in the arm.—Louisville Journal, March 12.

—Two companies of the Massachusetts Twenty-sixth regiment, under the command of Col. E. F. Jones, made a reconnoissance from Ship Island, to Mississippi City, La., where they were attacked by a body of rebel cavalry, and compelled to retreat to their boats.—(Doc. 80.)

—The Memphis Argus of this date has the following: “Major-Gen. Bragg’s ‘General Order No. 2,’ transferred to our columns from the Jackson Whig of yesterday, announces that martial law is to be established in Memphis. The establishment of martial law seems to be a favorite movement of Gen. Bragg’s, and, however much the people may dislike its provisions, or fail to discover the necessity for their enforcement, it is the duty of all good citizens to bear the inconveniences they entail. Soldiers from the army, as we understand, are to be detailed for the purpose, and we trust a provost- marshal will be drawn from the same source. Martial law is virtually subjecting the people to the will of one man, who can exercise his powers arbitrarily or with moderation. It is not every citizen unacquainted with military matters, who should be vested with the almost autocratic powers of a provost-marshal in a time like this, for certainly no man is fitted to learn its duties and enforce them at the same time. If we must live under martial law, let its enforcement be by a regular army officer, a stranger to our people, who, knowing his duty thoroughly, performs it because it is his duty, having neither friends among our citizens to shield nor enemies to punish. It is only by a thorough knowledge of duty and the strictest impartiality in its discharge, that martial law can be borne without a murmur by the people.”

—The rebel troops, composed of three Texan, one Georgia, and one Mississippi regiment, and the Hampton Legion, formerly encamped back of and below Occoquan, Va., evacuated that place, destroying everything they could not carry on their backs. The National troops took possession, and were welcomed by a part of the inhabitants with great joy. Every boat in the vicinity, and anything that would float, was destroyed. The rebels told the villagers they were going to fall back to the Rappahannock.

—Last night, Col. Geary left Lovettsville, Va., with his whole command, and marched through Wheatland and Waterford, taking prisoners at both places, and putting the scattered forces of the rebels to flight.Shortly after sunrise, this morning, he took possession of Fort Johnston at Leesburg, which was christened by the officers Fort Geary. He then entered the town, with flags flying and bayonets fixed.

The rebel troops, who had thought this one of their greatest strongholds, could be discerned through a glass retreating. Gen. Hill, the rebel officer in command, fell back on Middleburg.

The command took many prisoners and stores, and are in possession of the bank, post-office, and public buildings. Forts Beauregard and Evans were also taken.

—The battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, was ended after three days’ severe fighting, between the Unionists under Gen. Curtis, and the rebels led by Ben. McCulloch.

On Thursday, the sixth, the rebels commenced the attack on Gen. Curtis’s right wing, assailing and pursuing the rear-guard of a detachment under Gen. Franz Sigel, to the Union main lines on Sugar Creek Hollow, but withdrew and ceased action, at about four o’clock in the afternoon, when the Union reinforcements came up. During the night Gen. Curtis became convinced that the enemy had moved on so as to attack his right or rear. He, therefore, early on the next morning, ordered a change of front to the right, his right, which then became his left, still resting on Sugar Creek Hollow. This placed his line across Pea Ridge, with his new right resting on the head of Big Sugar Creek. He also ordered an immediate advance of his cavalry and light artillery, under the command of Col. Osterhaus, with orders to attack and break the lines of the enemy. This movement was in progress, when the rebels at eleven o’clock in the morning commenced an attack on the right of the Union lines. The fight continued mainly at these points during the day, the enemy having gained the point held by the command of Col. Carr, at the head of Big Sugar Creek, but was entirely repulsed with the fall of the commander, McCulloch, in the centre, by the forces under Col. Davis. The plan of attack on the centre was gallantly carried forward by Col. Osterhaus, who was immediately sustained and supported by Col. Davis’s entire division, supported also by General Sigel’s command, which had remained till near the close of the day on the left. Col. Carr’s division held the right, under a galling, continuous fire, all day. In the evening, firing having entirely ceased in the centre, and the right being now on the left, Gen. Curtis reenforced the right by a portion of the second division, under General Asboth.

Before the day closed, Gen. Curtis, being convinced that the rebels had concentrated in main force on the right, commenced another change of front, forward, so as to face the enemy where he had deployed on the Union right flank.

This change had only been partially effected, but was in full progress, when at sunrise today, firing was renewed by the centre and right of Curtis’s troops, which was immediately answered by the rebels with renewed energy along the whole extent of their line. The left of the Union troops, under the command of Gen. Sigel, moved close to the hills occupied by the enemy, driving him from the heights and advancing steadily toward the head of the hollows. Here Gen. Curtis ordered the centre and right wing forward, the right turning the left of the enemy and the Nationals firing on his centre. This final position of the rebels was in the arc of a circle. A charge of infantry extending throughout the whole line, completely routed the entire rebel force and they fled in confusion, but in comparative safety, through the deep and almost impassable defiles of Big Sugar Creek. The Union loss in this battle amounted to two hundred and twelve killed, nine hundred and twenty-six wounded, and one hundred and seventy-four missing, in all one thousand three hundred and twelve. The rebel loss was very large, but it is probable that its exact extent will never be known.—(Doc. 81.)

—By President Lincoln’s War Order No. 2, he has ordered the Army of the Potomac to be divided into army corps, to be commanded by commanders of corps, selected according to seniority of rank, as follows:

First corps, consisting of four divisions, to be commanded by Major-Gen. Sumner.

Second corps, consisting of three divisions, to be commanded by Major-Gen. McDowell.

Third corps, consisting of three divisions, to be commanded by Brig.-Gen. Heintzelman.

Fourth corps, consisting of three divisions, to be commanded by Brig.-Gen. Keyes.

Fifth—Gen. Banks’s and Gen. Shields’s commands, the latter late Gen. Lander’s, to be a fifth corps, to be commanded by Major-Gen. Banks.

—Capt Bell, of the Third Pennsylvania cavalry, was promoted to Major of the Third Illinois cavalry, now in Gen. Halleck’s department

—Gen. Beauregard, from his headquarters at Jackson, Term., issued an order calling upon the planters of the South to send their plantation-bells to the nearest railroad depot, to be melted into cannon for the defence of their plantations.— (Doc. 90.)

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