Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

A Diary of American Events.–August 4, 1861

August 4, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

Post image for A Diary of American Events.–August 4, 1861

August 4.—About five o’clock, this morning, the Second Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, passed through Philadelphia, Pa., on their way home. The regiment is under Colonel A. H. Terry, and participated in the engagement at Bull Run. In the fight they lost sixteen men killed and wounded. The officers of this regiment deny that it was through hunger that the men were exhausted. The Connecticut men were supplied with full haversacks; and the only drawback in their opinion to final success, was the impetuous feeling to go ahead and fight. In order to get within the enemy’s lines, a long march was necessary to this end. From two o’clock A. M. until ten they marched; and even then the men were unable to rest. To this fact alone, the officers of this regiment attribute, in a great measure, the reverse. The regiment acted as part of the reserve, and did not get into battle till late in the day.—Philadelphia Bulletin, August 5.

—A Meeting was held this evening in Rev. Dr. Adams’ Church, on Madison-square, New York city, to aid in measures taken for the prevention and suppression of intemperance in the National Army. A. R. Wetmore, Esq., presided, and Dr. De Witt offered a prayer. Resolutions were read by Dr. Marsh, which were responded to in an able speech by Rev. Mr. Willets, of Brooklyn, and Paymaster Bingham, of the Twenty-sixth Regiment.—(Doc. 162.)

—Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, Commander-in-Chief of the British forces, at Halifax, in a private letter to the British Consul at Boston, says: “I see a long article in the papers and extracts from a letter from Fort Pickens, alluding to orders I have given; all I can say is that it is not my version of blockade nor my orders on the subject.”—Buffalo Evening Courier, August 5.

—Delaware has contributed two regiments for the war. One is already in the field. The other has not yet been complete, and is commanded by Colonel Charles Wharton, brother of George M. Wharton, of Philadelphia. One company of the regiment is entirely made up of Philadelphians. It is the Hancock Guards, Capt. John F. Heishley. The men are remarkably well fed, clothed, and sheltered. In this particular Delaware has equalled, if not surpassed, the other States. They are encamped at Camp Brandywine, Wilmington. — Philadelphia Bulletin, August 5.

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