August 6.—All the bills which passed both Houses of the Congress of the United States, were approved by President Lincoln, who yielded a reluctant approval of that for the confiscation of property used for rebellious purposes.— (Doc. 159.)
—The brigs Naiad, Machias, and Ben Dunning, seized by the privateer steamer Sumter, near Cienfuegos, arrived at New York. They were released by order of the Spanish Government, and sailed with others as far as Cape Antonio, under convoy of the U. S. steamer Crusader.—Official advices from the Gulf squadron state that, on the 4th of July off Galveston, the United States steamer South Carolina captured six schooners; on the 5th, two, and ran one ashore; on the 6th, one, and on the 7th, one—making in all eleven sail destroyed or captured. The names of the captured vessels are the Shark, Venus, Ann Ryan, McCaulfield, Louisa, Dart, Covalia, Falcon, George Baker, and Sam. Houston. A portion of them had cargoes, chiefly of lumber. Among other things captured were 13 mail bags, and 31 bags containing express matter. — N. Y. Times, August 7.
— Queen Victoria, in her speech to the British Parliament this day, said: — “The dissensions which arose some months ago in the United States of North America, have unfortunately assumed the character of open war. Her Majesty, deeply lamenting this calamitous result, has determined, in common with the other powers of Europe, to preserve a strict neutrality between the contending parties. — London News, August 7.
— There was great excitement in the House of Representatives at Washington this morning. The near approach of the hour of adjourning, and the busy and exciting scenes which always attend the adjournment, attracted quite a crowd of ladies and gentlemen to the galleries. The Senate went into executive session at an early hour, and thus sent their spectators into the galleries of the House of Representatives. Within a few minutes of the hour of adjournment, a most exciting scene took place in the House. A lull had occurred in the business, when Mr. Wickliffe, of Kentucky, arose and stated to the House that the elections in his State had gone largely for the Constitution, and that the people of Kentucky had declared that their State, among the first in the Union, should be among the last in the Union. The announcement created a scene of indescribable enthusiasm. Cheer after cheer arose from the floor and galleries, and the Speaker, unable to control the assembly, yielded to the general enthusiasm of the moment. — Phila. Press, August 7.