Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events.–August 13, 1861

August 13, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

August 13.—The New Orleans Delta of to-day rejoices over the contemplated expulsion of all citizens of the United States “from the Confederated States.” The law, it states, is, and the fact is confirmed from other sources, that all owning citizenship to the Federal Government are to be banished from the Confederated States. The Delta says:

“We cannot afford to tolerate enemies in our midst, because, forsooth, they may have the discretion to keep silent and to bear no arms in their hands. The man of Massachusetts, or the man of Kentucky, living, and perhaps thriving in our midst, has no business at this time to be among us, if he allows a reasonable suspicion to exist that he is not also cordially with us.”

—A severe skirmish took place a few miles from Grafton, Va., on the Fairmount and Webster road. Information having been received that a regularly organized body of rebels, living in the county, were lodged within a few miles of Webster, General Kelly sent Captain Dayton, of Company A, Fourth Virginia Regiment, with fifty men, from Webster to disarm them. After scouting nearly twenty-four hours he came suddenly on them, and after an hour’s severe fighting, succeeded in killing twenty-one and putting the others to flight, without loss to his command. The rebels numbered 200, and were composed of the worst characters of the county, led on by Zack Cochrane, sheriff under Gov. Letcher.—Ohio Statesman, August 16.

—The banks of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston agreed to take fifty millions of the Government loan, they to be the sole recipients of the Treasury notes.

William Gray, Franklin Haven, and J. Amory Davis were chosen a committee by the Boston bank directors to confer with the committees of the New York and Philadelphia banks in regard to the Government loan. The meeting adopted the following instructions to the Committee:

“That the Committee be authorized to say to the gentlemen of the Committees from the New York and Philadelphia banks, that, in the judgment of the gentlemen here assembled, the banks and bankers of Boston and of the State of Massachusetts and its people are prepared, ready, willing, and determined to do all in their power, in view of their duty to themselves, their trusts and their country, to aid it in suppressing the present rebellion by furnishing men and money to the utmost extent of their ability, now, henceforth and forever.”— N. Y. Evening Post, August 14.

—General Pope, at St. Louis, Mo., issued a general order, establishing regulations for the navigation of the Missouri River.—(Doc. 181.)

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