August 5.—Recruiting for the old and new regiments under the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand men was carried on with the greatest success throughout the North, the citizens of every loyal State vieing with each other in their endeavor to support the Government—The War Department ordered, that the use of the telegraph-lines being required for military purposes, all persons actually employed in constructing and operating telegraph-lines at the date of the order calling for three hundred thousand men, be exempt from military duty so long as they remain in such service.
—The battle of Baton Rouge, La., was fought this day between a large force of rebels under the command of Gen. John C. Breckinridge and the Union forces under Brig.-Gen. Thomas Williams. The rebels made the attack at daylight, when a severe engagement ensued, and the National troops were driven from their position; soon after, however, they rallied and compelled the rebels to retreat, leaving their dead and wounded on the field.—(Doc. 91.)
—A fight took place at Malvern Hill, Va., between a reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Gen. Hooker, and a body of rebels stationed on the hill. The fight lasted for nearly two hours, when the rebels retired, taking with them their field-pieces, and leaving the Nationals in possession of the position.—(Doc. 171.)