Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

A Diary of American Events – July 9, 1861

July 9, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

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—To-day the ship Mary Goodall was boarded by the crew of the pirate brig Jeff. Dayis, off Nantucket South shoals; but, being British property, was released. Captains Fifield, of the brig John Walsh, of Philadelphia; Smith, of the schooner S. J. Waring, and Deverani, of the Schooner Enchantress, of Newburyport, were put on board the Mary Goodall, by the Jeff. Davis, which had captured their vessels during the week. The Jeff. Davis sails under the French flag. She is commanded by Captain Postell, formerly of the United States Navy.—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, July 18.

—The First Regiment of Maryland Volunteers, raised by Capt. McConnell, and mustering exactly one thousand men, left Frederick at day-break this morning by the turnpike for Hagerstown, under the command of Lieut. Col. Dushane. The enlistment of men for the Second Regiment is progressing rapidly at the headquarters, on Green street, near Baltimore. Companies A, B, C, and D, each consisting of 100 men, have been mustered into service. It is the intention of several military men, residents of Baltimore, to raise the Third Regiment called for by the President of the United States, as soon as the second shall take the field.—Baltimore American, July 11.

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