Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events.–August 15, 1861

August 15, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

August 15.—At Arlington, Va., sixty noncommissioned officers and privates of the Second Maine Regiment of Volunteers, having formally and positively, in the presence of the regiment, refused to do any further duty whatever, alleging that they were not legally in the service of the United States, were, with the approval of the General-in-Chief, transferred, in arrest, from the regiment, as no longer worthy to serve with it, to be sent to the Dry Tortugas, in the Gulf of Mexico, there to perform such fatigue service as the officers commanding might assign them, until they should by their future conduct show themselves worthy to bear arms.—Army Orders.

—The Twenty-third Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, under the command of Col. Sanderson, left the camp near New Albany, for Indianapolis, and thence for the seat of war in Missouri.—Louisville Journal, August 16.

—Govenor Buckingham, of Connecticut, calls upon “the loyal and patriotic citizens of that State to organize in companies for four regiments of infantry.”—(Doc. 187.)

—Upon the refusal of Colonel Burke, the officer in command at Fort Lafayette in New York harbor, to produce his prisoners in court in response to a writ of habeas corpus, Judge Garrison of Kings Co., N. Y., who issued the writ, made formal application to General Duryea of the militia in Brooklyn to ascertain what force could be obtained by the county to execute the writ. General Duryea informed the sheriff that about fourteen hundred men could be raised, but that the county was in possession of no artillery sufficiently powerful to make an impression on the works, and that it would require between five and ten thousand men to take them.—N. Y. Evening Post, August 15.

—This afternoon the steamer Resolute was ordered from Aquia Creek to Matthias Point, Va., for the purpose of reconnoitring. Seeing a bateau filled with barrels on shore just below the point, a boat was sent from the Resolute with six men, to bring off the bateau. No sooner had the boat touched the beach than a volley of musket balls was opened upon them from a secession force concealed in the woods, killing three of the men instantly, namely—John James Fuller, of Brooklyn, master’s mate, who, it was subsequently ascertained, was pierced by two balls; George Seymour, captain of the gun, of New York, by seven, and Thomas Tully, of Boston, by two balls. Earnest Walter, a native of England, was wounded in the head. Another volley was fired by the enemy as they moved their position, or as soon as they had time to reload. The Resolute was about seven hundred yards from the shore, and fired in the midst of the rebels one shot of canister and nine of shrapnell. The scene on board the small boat is described as heart-sickening—the dead lying outstretched in it, covered with their own blood. The boat was towed a short distance from the shore by one of the crew named Sanderson, who quietly slipped into the water for that purpose, and thus concealed himself from the enemy. The other uninjured man lay in the boat, horrified by the scene through which he had just passed, while the wounded man helped Sanderson to row the boat toward the Reliance, from which assistance was immediately rendered.—(Doc. 188.)

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