Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events.–August 17, 1861

August 17, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

August 17.—At Clarksburg, Virginia, this day, Gen. Rosecrans issued the following order in reference to the arrest and discharge of prisoners:

Headquarters Army of Occupation

Clarksburg, Western Va., Saturday, Aug. 17, 1861.

Great looseness and irregularity prevail in the arrest and discharge of prisoners. Much care and discretion must be exercised in the arrest of persons merely suspected, and proofs obtained if possible; but when proofs exist, and particularly when taken with arms in hand, or with any evidence of intention or preparation to pursue other than a perfectly peaceable course, no prisoner whatever will be released, but as soon as practicable he will be forwarded, with a full statement of his case, to these head-quarters. By order of

Brig.-gen. Rosecrans.

Geo. L. Hartsuff,

Assistant Adjutant-General.

—At Louisville, Ky., a peace meeting, called by prominent secessionists for this evening, was held at the Court House in that city. As the crowd entered the hall, many were singing the Star-Spangled Banner. James Speed, a Unionist, was called to the chair, and James Trabue, secessionist, was also nominated by the persons calling the meeting. A division of the house took place, when Speed was declared elected. The secessionists, about one hundred in number, then withdrew shouting for the Southern Confederacy. Speeches were made by Messrs. Speed, Wolf, Harlan, and others, and resolutions were adopted with but one dissenting voice.

The seceders from the meeting reorganized at Concert Hall. James Trabue was called to the chair, and John Bell appointed Secretary. On motion, Wm. Garvin, Wm. Atwood, Samuel Casseday, Wm. Inman, and A. L. Shotwell were appointed a Committee on Resolutions, who, after retirement, reported a series of resolutions, which were adopted unanimously.—(Doc. 191.)

—Yesterday, and to-day the Eighteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-fourth, and Thirty-third Indiana Regiments left for St. Louis, Mo. Eight companies of a cavalry regiment left for the same destination on Monday last.— Western New Yorker, August 22.

—The statement, several days ago, that the rebels were slowly moving their forces to the line of the Potomac, with a view of entering Maryland and encouraging and supporting the revolutionary spirit in that State with an ultimate design on Washington, is now repeated with increased assurance of its truth, and with inch evidences as cannot be disregarded.

With a view of meeting all possible contingencies which may arise in connection with this subject, the Administration issued an order urgently requesting the governors of the several loyal States to forward immediately to Washington all volunteer regiments or parts of regiments, that are now enrolled within their respective States.

—To-night, between the hours of nine and ten o’clock, a remarkable phenomenon was visible in the western sky. The moon was surrounded by a halo of red, white and blue, extending a distance of seven or eight degrees. The colors were distinctly marked, presenting a beautiful appearance, and attracted the attention of a large number of citizens of Jersey City. The colors were visible about ten minutes.

—Despatches were received at St. Louis, Mo., to-day, stating that a train conveying troops on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, was fired into by secessionists, near Palmyra, and one soldier killed and several wounded. Gen. Pope immediately sent orders to General Hurlburt to take such force as he deemed necessary to Marion County, and quarter them on the people, and levy a contribution of horses, mules, provisions, and such other things as may be useful to the soldiers, to the amount of ten thousand dollars, on the inhabitants of the county, and five thousand dollars on the citizens of Palmyra, as a penalty for this outrage.—Baltimore American, August 19.

—The Sixteenth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Powell T. Wyman, left their encampment at North Cambridge for the seat of war. Colonel Powell and a majority of the staff and line officers are graduates of West Point. Quarter-master Livermore is a son of Hon. Isaac Livermore, of Cambridge, and Gov. Banks (now Gen. Banks) has a brother in the regiment in the person of Capt. Gardner Banks, of Company H.—N. Y. Times, August 19.

—Governor Yates issued a proclamation to the people of Illinois, stating that he has obtained instructions from the Secretary of War to accept all companies that offer themselves for three years’ service; and announcing that all companies which shall report fully organized within twenty days from the 17th inst. will be received; that orders for the transportation, sustenance, and equipment of troops have already been given; that equipments of the best quality will be furnished in the shortest practicable period, and that arms will be procured as soon as possible.—(Doc. 192.)

—Nurses in the army were ordered to receive forty cents per day and one ration.—(Doc. 193.)

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