September 24.—President Lincoln issued a proclamation ordering that during the existing insurrection all persons discouraging enlistments, resisting militia drafts, or guilty of any disloyal practice affording aid and comfort to the rebels, should be subject to martial law and liable to trial and punishment by court-martial or military commission; also suspending the writ of habeas corpus with reference to all persons arrested, who were then, or during the rebellion should be, imprisoned in any camp, arsenal, military prison, or other place of confinement by any military authority, or by the sentence of any court or military commission.—(Doc. 211.)
—Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, issued a proclamation dismissing the militia troops that were called into service for the purpose of resisting the invasion of the State by the rebel army under General Lee.
—At Carlisle, Pa., the office of the American Volunteer was destroyed by a party of citizens and the “Anderson Troop,” on account of an editorial reflecting severely upon President Lincoln and his Administration.
—The Convention of the Governors of the loyal States, was held at Altoona, Pa., in accordance with a request of the Governors of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Western Virginia. An address to the President of the United States was adopted, pledging their cordial support of the Government in the prosecution of the war for the restoration of the Union. The members of the Convention also recommended that a reserve army of one hundred thousand men for one year’s service should be called forth. They also indorsed the emancipation proclamation, and paid a full tribute to the valor of the army in the field.
—General Beauregard assumed command of the department of South-Carolina and Georgia.
—The rebel Senate passed a bill furnishing the Confederacy with a seal, or coat of arms. “In the foreground a confederate soldier, in the position of charge bayonet; in the middle distance, a woman with a child in front of a church, both with hands uplifted in the attitude of prayer; for a background a homestead on the plain with mountains in the distance, beneath the meridian sun; the whole surrounded by a wreath composed of the stalks of the sugar-cane, the rice, the cotton, and the tobacco-plants, the margin inscribed with the words, ‘Seal of the Confederate States of America,’ above, and ‘Our Homes and Constitution’ beneath.”—Richmond Whig, September 25.
—General Butler issued an order from his headquarters at New-Orleans, directing all persons, male or female, within his department, of the age of eighteen years and upwards, who had ever been citizens of the United States, and had not renewed their allegiance to the United States, or who held or pretended any allegiance or sympathy with the rebel States, to report themselves, on or before the first October next, to the nearest provost-marshal, with a descriptive list of all their property, real, personal, and mixed, made out and signed by themselves, with as much particularity as for taxation.—General Orders No. 76.