Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events.–August 19, 1861

August 19, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

August 19.—The bill admitting Missouri into the Southern Confederacy, on certain conditions, was passed by the “Confederate” Congress. The conditions are, that Missouri shall duly ratify the Constitution of the Southern Confederacy, through her legally constituted authority, which authority is declared to be the government of Gov. Jackson, who was lately deposed. President Davis is also authorized to muster into the Confederate service, in Missouri, such troops as may volunteer to serve in the Southern army. The bill likewise empowers the President of the Confederate States, at his discretion, at any time prior to the admission of said State as a member of the Confederacy, to perfect and proclaim an alliance, offensive and defensive, with the said government, limited to the period of the existing war between the Confederacy and the United States, the said treaty or alliance to be in force from the date thereof, and until the same shall be disaffirmed or rejected by this Congress.—National Intelligencer, September 5.

—The Republican, published at Savannah, Ga., has the following, in reference to the defences of that city: “In response to numerous inquiries propounded through the press of the interior, we would simply say that within a week from to-day no Federal fleet will be able to enter a harbor or inlet, or effect a landing of troops on the coast of Georgia. Month after month elapsed and the State, with all the boasting of its chief executive officer, and with over a million in his hands for the purpose, did absolutely nothing for our protection. The Confederate authorities, to whom the matter has been turned over, have recently been industriously at work, and the fortifications along the coast are nearly completed.”

—E. W. Hinman, of New York, respectfully submitted the following proposition to President Lincoln:—”Whereas the commercial and mercantile interests of our country are being destroyed, it is proposed by numerous masters and owners of vessels, which may be deemed acceptable on the part of the Government of the United States, to aid and assist in capturing any steamer or other craft which may be found on the ocean, sailing under the Confederate or rebellion flag of the seceded States, or which may be found acting under a privateer commission issued by the Government under Jefferson Davis as its President. Therefore the undersigned, in behalf of Captain George Walen and others, -would respectfully make application to your Excellency, as President of the United States, to issue an order to the undersigned to capture and take such vessels for a bounty to be paid by the Government, under such stipulations and conditions as may be deemed advisable, with a view to protect our commerce and mercantile interests of such of our citizens as may be considered loyal and patriotic, in behalf of the Government of the United States, who are desirous of the maintenance of the Constitution, the Union, and the laws of our country.”

—To-day two hundred and forty fugitives from East Tennessee, men driven from their homes, were fed in the Seminary yard in Danville, Ky. Some of them were elderly men and some young, and all had been compelled to abandon their families, and were ill-clad, almost barefoot, weary, and hungry. The whole of the two hundred and forty fugitives enlisted in the United States service at Camp Dick Robinson, in Kentucky.—Louisville Journal.

The office of the Sentinel at Easton, Pa., was destroyed by a crowd of Unionists.—Phila. Press, August 20.

—The town of Commerce, Mo., forty miles from Cairo, Ill., which was taken by a battery planted by the secessionists, was retaken by five hundred troops sent down from Cape Girardeau by order of Gen. Fremont. The rebels made no stand with their battery on the approach of the National troops. Their number was about one hundred and fifty infantry and one hundred and fifty cavalry.—Boston Transcript, August 21.

—Tnis day the Department of State, at Washington, gave notice that “no person will be allowed to go abroad from a port of the United States without a passport either from this Department or countersigned by though Secretary of State; nor will any person be allowed to land in the United States without a Passport from a Minister or Consul of the United States, or, if a foreigner, from his own Government, countersigned by such Minister or Consul. This regulation, however, is not to take effect in regard to persons coming from abroad until a reasonable time shall have elapsed for it to become known in the country from which they may proceed.

—At Philadelphia, Pa., Pierce Butler was arrested this afternoon by the United States marshal at the order of the Secretary of War and taken to New York. The arrest was caused by intercepted letters from him giving information to the Confederates.—National Intelligencer, August 21.

—In Haverhill, Mass., this evening, Ambrose L. Kimball, editor of the Essex County Democrat, was forcibly taken from his house by an excited mob, and, refusing information, was covered with a coat of tar and feathers, and ridden on a rail through the town. Subsequently, under threats of violence, Mr. K. promised to keep his pen dry in aid of rebellion, and was liberated. The town authorities and many good citizens unsuccessfully attempted to quell the mob. Mr. Kimball, after suffering the abuse and indignity of the mob for a long time, made the following affirmation on his knees: “I am sorry that I have published what I have, and I promise that I will never again write or publish articles against the North and in favor of secession, so help me God.” After this he was conducted to his home.—N. Y. Herald, August 21.

—A Battle took place to-night at Charleston, Mo., between the National forces, about two hundred and fifty strong, consisting of the Twenty-second Illinois Regiment, under command of Col. Dougherty, accompanied by Lieut.Col. Ransom, of the Eleventh Illinois Regiment. The rebel force was estimated at six to seven hundred men, and commanded by Col. Hunter, of Jeff. Thompson’s army. The National force was victorious, completely routing the rebels, killing forty and taking seventeen prisoners. The National loss was one killed, viz.: Wm. P. Sharp, of Company A. Among the wounded were Col. Dougherty, slightly; Lieut.-Col. Ransom, shot in the shoulder, not serious; Capt. Johnson, Company A, shot in the leg; George A. Perry, slightly wounded in the arm. Capt. Noleman, with fifty mounted men, left Bird’s Point at about six o’clock this evening for Charleston, to join the forces under Col. Dougherty, but failed to form a junction with them. They met a party of rebels about one hundred strong and gave them battle, killing two and taking thirty-three prisoners, also capturing thirty-five horses, without the loss of a man.—(Doc. 195.)

—The Jeffersonian newspaper office in West Chester, Pa., was quietly visited by a crowd and cleaned out.—There was no disturbance; most of the residents of the place were ignorant of what was going on until the work was effected.—Ohio Statesman, August 21.

—William Henry Odenheimer, Bishop of New Jersey, issued a pastoral letter to the clergy and laity of his diocese, appointing the service to be used on the fast day recommended by the President of the United States.—(Doc. 196.)

—Brigadier-general Hurlburt issued an order directing the authorities of Palmyra, Mo., to deliver up the marauders who fired upon the train of the St. Joseph and Hannibal Railroad on the evening of the 16th inst. In case of a refusal to comply, he signified his intention of levying contributions upon the county to the amount of ten thousand dollars, and upon the city of five thousand dollars.—(Doc. 197.)

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