February 19.—A reconnoitring party from Yazoo Pass to Coldwater, Miss., under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Wood of the First Indiana cavalry, surprised two hundred rebel cavalry and routed them, killing six, mortally wounding three, and capturing fifteen.—See Supplement.
—Hopefield, Ark., opposite Memphis, Tenn., was this day burned by order of General Hurlbut. It was done because the guerrillas made the town their headquarters. — The office of the Daily Constitution, at Keokuk, Iowa, was destroyed by the soldiers in the hospital at that place.—The brig Emily Fisher was captured off Castle Island, Bahama, by the privateer Retribution, and after being partly unloaded, was released on bonds for her value.—A large meeting was held in Liverpool, England, in support of President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Resolutions applauding the course of Mr. Lincoln on the slavery question, and an address to be presented to him through Mr. Adams, were adopted At the same time a meeting was held at Carlisle, and a similar series of resolutions were adopted unanimously.