March 17.—A detachment of National troops under the command of Colonel Spear, attacked the rebel breastworks on the Black Water, near Franklin, Va., but without being able to carry them. The fight lasted for more than an hour, in which Colonel Spear had one man killed, and sixteen men wounded.—Baltimore American.
—A spirited cavalry engagement occurred at Kelly’s Ford, on the Rappahannock River, Va., between a strong reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Gen. Averill, and a body of rebel cavalry under Gen. Fitz-Hugh Lee, in which the latter, after a most desperate struggle, of four hours’ duration, were repulsed, and finally routed and pursued for a distance of six miles.—(Doc. 139.)
—By order of the War Department, Colonel James B. Fry was detailed as Provost-Marshal General of the United States, in pursuance of section five of the act approved March 3, 1863, for enrolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes.—The British steamer Calypso ran the blockade of Charleston, S. C, and arrived at her wharf in that city without receiving any damage from the blockading fleet.— Charleston Courier.
—Rear-admiral Farragut, from the flag-ship Hartford, lying off Natchez, Miss., sent a letter to the Mayor of that city, stating that if the United States boats were fired on by the people of Natchez or by guerrillas, he would bombard the city.—Gold was quoted in Richmond, Va., at four dollars and twenty-five cents premium.