Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events.–August 29, 1861

August 29, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

August 29.—The joint expedition, commanded by General B. F. Butler and Commodore S. H. Stringham, after two days’ cannonading, succeeded in capturing Forts Clark and Hatteras, at Hatteras Inlet, N. C., with the garrison of the latter fort. Thirty pieces of cannon, one thousand stand of arms, and a quantity of provisions, fell into possession of the National forces. Also three prize vessels —one a brig, laden with coffee and provisions, another laden with cotton, and two United States life-boats, together with large quantities of ammunition and munitions of war.

There is an inlet across the sand bar at Hatteras, made by the sea within a few years, near which there have been erected two forts of earth and sand and other materials, and mounting a considerable number of guns. These forts were shelled by the National rifled cannon at a range of two-and-a-half miles. Into one of them there were thrown twenty-eight shells in eight minutes. One of the works surrendered, which was taken possession of and its guns directed against the other, which also soon surrendered. Their whole force was captured, and eight hundred of the Federal troops were left to garrison the forts and keep possession of them. At first Capt. Barren proposed to surrender if permitted to do so with the honors of war. This Gen. Butler refused, and demanded a surrender, at discretion, which was yielded, and the enemy marched out prisoners of war.—(Doc. 8.)

—The New Jersey Fifth regiment of Volunteers, fully equipped and numbering nearly a full complement of men, with wagons and horses, left Trenton this afternoon at three o’clock, and arrived safely in Philadelphia, en route for the seat of war.—N. Y. Herald, August 30.

—A monster meeting of the friends of the Sixty-ninth regiment, took place in New York in aid of a fund for the widows and orphans of these who have died in the ranks. Upward of fifty thousand people were present, and Mr. Thomas Francis Meagher delivered a stirring address.

—A skirmish took place at Lexington, Mo., between four thousand five hundred secessionists and four hundred and thirty Home Guards and United States troops, in the intrenchments around Lexington. The attack was made by the secessionists, who were repulsed with a loss of sixty killed in the battle, and three of their pickets. None of the Federal force was killed. During the engagement, Arcana Hall, occupied by the Masons, and a private residence opposite to the court house, owned by R. Anil, Esq., of St. Louis, and occupied by T. Crittenden, Esq., (temporarily absent in Kentucky,) were shelled and burned. The impression was that the former contained powder designed for the use of the Confederates. Another attack was threatened.—(Doc. 16.)

—This evening a ” peace meeting ” which was to have been held at Newtown, L. I., was “indefinitely postponed,” and in its place a spirited Union demonstration came off. Delegations from Jamaica, Flushing, Williamsburg, and the surrounding districts came in, until there was a very large concourse assembled, when a meeting was organized, the Hon. John D. Townsend in the chair. The proceedings were opened by a patriotic address by Richard Busteed, followed by Daniel Northup, of Brooklyn, and resolutions indorsing the Administration in the prosecution of the war, were passed. An effigy of Jeff. Davis was produced and hung on a tree; afterward it was cut down and placed in a large coffin, bearing the inscription, “Newtown Secession, died August 29th, 1861.” The “remains” were taken possession of by the Williamsburg delegation, who brought it home with them, and threw it in the river at the foot of Grand street. The proceedings, though not very orderly, were extremely enthusiastic and patriotic.

—Intelligence was received at Washington, from Independence, Mo., that the United States troops, seven hundred and fifty in number, who surrendered to three hundred Texan Rangers, eighteen miles from Fort Fillmore, had been released on parole, the Texans retaining their arms and the horses belonging to the Mounted Rifles.

Gen. Wm. Pelham, formerly Surveyor-General of New Mexico, and Col. Clements, were arrested at Santa Fe, and confined in the guardhouse, by order of Col. Canby, of the Department of New Mexico. They were suspected of giving improper information to the Texas troops of Fort Bliss, below El Paso. Col. Clements took the oath of allegiance, and was discharged. Gen. Pelham refused to take the oath, and is still confined in the guard-house. Col. Canby, by proclamation, bad suspended the writ of habeas corpus in New Mexico. Fort Stanton had been abandoned by the United States forces, and the fort afterward fired by order of Col. Canby.—National Intelligencer, September 2.

—At Middletown, New Jersey, a party of peace men attempted to hold a meeting, but were prevented by the presence of a large body of Unionists.—N. Y. Herald, August 30.

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