March 27.—The following bill was this day presented to the Legislature of Virginia: “Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That if any person buy any article of food (including salt) for man or beast, and withhold the same from market, or ask and receive more than five per centum commission or profit on cost and transportation, such person shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and shall forfeit the article so bought—one half to the informer and the other to the Commonwealth: Provided, That this act shall not apply to market-men collecting supplies for daily city consumption, or to any person bringing such food from beyond the confederate army lines, or purchases for family consumption.
“This act shall be in force from its passage, and continue during the war.”
—Ant important debate took place in the British House of Commons, concerning the depredations of the rebel privateer Alabama.
—Jacksonville, Fla., was burned, after its evacuation, this day by the National forces under Colonel Rust.—(Doc. 148.)
—Colonel Talcott, of the rebel army, was arrested at New-York City.—The English steamer Aries, while endeavoring to run the blockade, was captured by the gunboat Stettin, off Bull’s Bay, S. C.—Robert Gay of company D, Seventy-first Indiana volunteers, convicted of desertion to the rebels, was shot at Indianapolis, Ind.—Fast Day in the rebel States.—Some clergymen in Norfolk, Va., attempted to hold service in their churches, in conformity with Jeff Davis’s fast proclamation, but were prevented from so doing by the Union soldiers in that place.
—This morning the United States steamer Hartford, the flag-ship of Admiral Farragut, engaged the rebel batteries at Warrenton, three miles below Vicksburgh, and passed below.