April 8.—The Richmond Dispatch of this date, said: “We have published the gist of the correspondence between Mr. Mason and Lord Russell, on the question of the legality of the blockade of our ports by the Yankee Government, and the recognition of the Confederacy. No Southern man can read it without feelings of indignation and contempt—indignation for the cold and stony haughtiness, not to say rudeness of manner of the British Minister toward Mr. Mason, afterward only partially atoned for by a disavowal of any personal disrespect, and contempt for the subterfuges resorted to, to cover a selfish policy. . . We must not forget, whatever the ministry may do or propose, that our country has received the most valuable assistance from the people of England, and at this time there are schemes on foot there, of great importance to us.”—The English schooner Maggie Fulton, while attempting to run the blockade at Indian River Inlet, Fla., was captured by the bark Gem of the Sea.—The Union gunboat George Washington, while on a reconnoissance up Broad River, S. C, was stranded, and soon afterward attacked by a party of rebels on shore, who succeeded in throwing a shell into her magazine and blowing her up. Two of the Unionists were killed and eight wounded, all belonging to the Third Rhode Island artillery.—A party of rebel guerrillas, under Woodward, captured and burned the steamers Saxonia and Lovell, on the Cumberland River, after killing the captain of the latter, and severely wounding the captain of the former.
—The Tallahatchie fleet, consisting of the divisions under Generals Ross and Quimby, and numerous gunboats and mortar-boats, arrived at Helena, Ark. The expedition, which had been absent forty-three days, left Fort Greenwood on the fifth. As soon as the bustle was observed by the rebels, they opened a brisk fire upon the woods where batteries had been planted, which continued till the last boat steamed up the river. On the passage, the boats were frequently fired on by guerrillas. A number of soldiers were wounded and twenty-five or thirty killed.