September 8.—Yesterday, at Hatteras Inlet, N. C., the schooners Mary Ward, of Edenton, N. C., Daniel Hayman, Captain; the Ocean Wave, of Washington, N. C., Adam Warren, Captain; the Susan Jane, of Plymouth, N. C., David Ireland, Captain, all from the Island of St. Martin, were taken prizes. The Ward and the Wave came square into the inlet, and were boarded by Lieut. Crosby, to whom the captains unsuspectingly committed themselves as being in the illegal trade, and by whom they were taken prisoners and their vessels secured as prizes. They were loaded with salt and molasses. The Susan Jane was seen in the offing standing off and on suspiciously. Lieut. Crosby took the Fanny, with Col. Hawkins on beard, and went out of the inlet to watch her movements. Apparently suspecting that something was out of joint, she stood off, when the Fanny pursued and gave her a shot at long range which did not have the effect to bring her to. At the suggestion of Colonel Hawkins, a secession flag was extemporized and let fly from the Fanny, in answer to which the schooner ran up the Palmetto flag of South Carolina, and at the same time tacked and came round. Soon after, however, seeming to smell a rat, she altered her course and stood off again, and tried to haul down her flag, but did not succeed, on account of its getting tangled. Perceiving that she was making off, Lieutenant Crosby let her have a shot across her bow, whereat she came round and made directly for the Fanny. On coming up, Lieutenant Crosby went aboard and directed the captain to follow the Fanny in. While on their way, Lieutenant Crosby had the following conversation with Captain Ireland: “Is that your flag?” asked Lieutenant C. “Yes, that is the flag I live, fight, and hope to die under,” replied the captain, and he added, “we have cheated the Yankees this time.” “I have to inform you,” said Lieutenant Crosby, “that on the 28th day of August the American fleet made its appearance off this place and commenced to bombard Forts Hatteras and Clark, while a land force landed; that Fort Clark was silenced that day; that on the day following Fort Hatteras was bombarded and captured, with more than seven hundred prisoners; that both forts are now occupied by Federal troops; that I am a United States officer, you my prisoner, and your ship a prize. It is all right, is it not, captain?” The captain instantly collapsed, and took to hard drink.
To-day the Hamet Ryan, Captain Wm. Nixon, appeared off the inlet, and finally stood in. Lieutenant Crosby, with the Fanny, went out, and took her in tow. She proved to be from Halifax, bound to Washington, N. C., with an assorted cargo, previously purchased in New York, consisting of one hundred and forty dozen army brogans, hats, caps, army supplies, and camp and garrison tools, for the rebels. Important papers were found on board, disclosing the extent to which this sort of trade is carried on under the English flag, and implicating certain leading New York houses in it.—(Doc. 39½.)
—Mb. George W. Alexander, who, being implicated in the seizure of the steamboat St. Nicholas, was detained a prisoner at Fort McHenry, made his escape lost night. He was, about four weeks ago, taken from a cell in which he had been confined and placed in a room within the walls of the fort, near the guard-house, on his parole of honor not to attempt to escape “at night.” The following is a copy of the parole, in his own handwriting:
“I, George W. Alexander, Lieutenant, prisoner of war of the United States, at Fort McHenry, Md., do hereby solemnly pledge myself, upon my honor, that if allowed to occupy the guard-room at night, instead of the cells, I will make no attempt to escape during that period.
G. W. Alexander
“Lt. V. A. C. 8.”
In consequence of this dishonorable abuse of a privilege granted by the commander of Fort McHenry, it is ordered that in future no access or communication whatever be had with other prisoners by their friends outside.—National Intelligencer, September 11.
—At Baltimore, Md., this morning, A. Williamson, a coachmaker, was arrested, charged with treason against the National Government. A few days previous it was ascertained that he had been engaged by certain parties to make a wagon with a false top and bottom, to facilitate the transmission of contraband articles south of the Potomac. The accused, after being closely watched, was arrested in the said wagon with a pair of excellent horses, just as he was about leaving his shop. At first he protested his innocence, and invited an investigation. The police soon demonstrated that they were better acquainted with the secrets of his wagon than was supposed, and quickly drew from its secret recesses ample evidence of the guilt of some one. The vehicle had a false floor, and as the police quietly removed it the accused exclaimed, “My God, I am a ruined man.” The articles found embraced among other things some twenty large-size navy revolvers of superior quality, a quantity of gold lace, red flannel, and a package of about one hundred and twenty letters, addressed to parties in Petersburg, Richmond, Norfolk, and Fairfax, some from several first-class business houses in Baltimore. The letters and other articles were sent to Gen. Dix, at Fort McHenry.—Baltimore American, September 9.
—G. L. Bowne, of Key West, Fla., was arrested at Cooperstown, N. Y., on a charge of treason. A large number of letters were found on him from the South, as also other papers of an important character. After the arrest an effort was made to rescue the prisoner by about one hundred of his friends.
The resolute behavior of the officers, and their expressed determination to shoot the first man who persisted in the attempt, prevented the accomplishment of their purpose.—N. Y. Commercial, September 9.