Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

May 3.—A force of Union troops, numbering about one thousand five hundred men, which left Nashville, Tenn., on the eleventh ultimo, under the command of Colonel A. D. Streight, on a raid into Alabama and Georgia, was this day captured in the vicinity of Gadsden, Ala., after successfully resisting the enemy in a series of skirmishes along his march, by a body of rebel troops, under the command of General Forrest— (Doc. 173.)

—The battle of Chancellorsville, Va., was renewed at daylight this morning, and, after severe fighting until noon, the Nationals were obliged to fall back from their position, when hostilities, in a great measure, ceased for the day.—(Doc. 183.)

—The Catholic Bishop of Iowa, in a sermon at Dubuque, pointedly denounced the Knights of the Golden Circle, stating that he would give the members of the church who had joined the organization, two weeks to leave it, and then, if they still continued in it, they might consider themselves excommunicated.—The British schooner Emma Amelia was captured at St. Andrew’s Bay, Fla., by the National bark Roebuck.—Grand Gulf, Miss., was abandoned at daylight this morning, the rebels blowing up the magazines and spiking their guns. Soon after the evacuation the place was entered by the National forces, under Admiral D. D. Porter.— (Doc. 184)

—A short fight occurred near Warrenton Junction, Va., between a party of General Stahel’s cavalry, under Colonel De Forest, and Mosby’s rebel guerrillas, resulting in the rout of the latter with great loss.—(Doc. 185.)

—The ship Sea Lark, in latitude 24° south, longitude 29° west, was captured and burned by the rebel privateer Alabama.

—Colonel Montgomery, in command of a detachment of negro troops, returned to Beaufort, S. C, after a three days’ raid up the Combahee River. During that time he encountered and dispersed several squads of rebel guerrillas, destroyed the town of Asheppo by fire, burned and otherwise destroyed property to the amount of two millions of dollars, belonging to rebel planters along the river, and captured nearly eight hundred slaves, all of whom he carried with him to Beaufort.

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