Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

May 5.—Clement C. Vallandigham was arrested at his residence in Dayton, Ohio, this morning, by a detachment of soldiers sent from Cincinnati by order of General Burnside. — The Third New York cavalry, on an expedition to Pettie’s Mills, twenty-seven miles from Newborn, N. C, captured an entire rebel company, together with their camp, horses, and equipments, without loss to the National side.—Fort de Russey, situated on the Red River, about eight miles from its mouth, was occupied by the National forces under the command of Admiral Porter—(Doc. 187.)

—John J. Pettes, rebel Governor of Mississippi, issued a proclamation calling on every man in the State, capable of bearing arms, to take the field, “for united effort in expelling the enemy from the soil of Mississippi.”

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