June 2.—The circulation of the newspapers, Chicago Times and New-York World, was prohibited, in the Department of the Ohio, by a general order from Major-General Burnside, their “repeated expressions of disloyal and incendiary sentiments” being “calculated to exert a pernicious and treasonable influence.”—At Nashville, Tenn., C. F. Jones was arrested for writing treasonable correspondence to the Freeman’s Journal of New-York.—F. H. Pierpont, Governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation, calling upon the commandants of the State militia to hold their regiments in readiness for the field at an hour’s warning, as “the enemies of their liberty and prosperity were again threatening their homes.” — The- Twenty-fourth regiment of New-York volunteers returned to Oswego.—The city government of Portsmouth, Va., was organized. —West-point, Va., was evacuated by the Union troops.—The ship Amazonian was captured in latitude 11° 15′, longitude 34° 30′, by the rebel privateer, Alabama.

A Diary of American Events.
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