Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

September 14.—Last night an expedition from the United States steam frigate Colorado, under the command of Lieutenant John H. Russell, cut out the rebel privateer Judah, from under the guns of the forts at Pensacola Navy Yard, and totally destroyed her by fire. The National loss was three killed and fifteen wounded.— (Doc. 49.)

—The Philadelphia Inquirer, of this morning says: “It is understood that the property of Robert Tyler, a traitor, was seized yesterday at Bristol, Pa., by order of the Government of the United States. This property includes real estate and household goods. Robert Tyler first appeared before the public of Pennsylvania about twenty years ago, in the character of a lawyer without clients, and with no very good references as to his past career, he married the daughter of Thomas Cooper, the celebrated actor, having become acquainted with her at Bristol, the residence of her father. He took up his abode at that place during the summer months, and became an active orator in behalf of the Irish cause, in the excitement which preceded the riots of 1844. He won many friends by his oratorical powers. He was afterward appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, a position worth ten or twelve thousand dollars per annum. While thus in the service of the Government, he lost no opportunity, during the early stages of this rebellion, to uphold the South and denounce the North. His denunciations became so violent, that immediately after the fall of Sumter he was obliged to leave the city, and now holds a subordinate position in the Treasury Department of the so-called Confederate Government at Richmond. His treason has availed him but little.”

—Considerable excitement was created at Kansas City, Mo., to-day, by the appearance of rebel scouts. A company of twenty mounted men was sent over from Kansas City in the morning, who discovered a rebel camp of from two hundred to three hundred men, some six miles distant from the Missouri River. An additional force was detailed in the afternoon, who killed seven of the rebels and took six prisoners, with the same number of horses, and destroyed their barracks. Only one of the Union men was wounded.—N. Y. Herald, September 21.

—A Detachment of Col. Young’s Cavalry, under Captain White, arrested three spies, today, near Port Tobacco, Maryland, and brought them to Washington, D. C. On their persons was found topographic and other information designed for transmission to the enemy.—N. Y. Times, September 18.

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