Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

June 22.—Three steamers laden with military stores, and convoyed by two Union gunboats, were fired into by rebels at Cypress Bend, on the Mississippi River, and a number of persons were killed and wounded. The rebels were finally driven off by the gunboats.—The correspondence between James M. Mason, the rebel commissioner at London, and Moncure D. Conway, was made public.—The rebels were driven out of Cumberland, Md., by the National forces under General B. F. Kelley. — The schooners Marengo and Florence, and the fishing-vessels Elizabeth Ann Thomas, Rufus Choate, and Ripple, were captured by the confederate privateer Tacony.—At Acquia Creek, Va., the quartermaster’s buildings, left standing by the Union troops on the evacuation of that place, were burned by the rebels.—Mr. Vallandigham, who was banished to the Southern States for a stated period, arrived at Bermuda in the confederate steamer Lady Davis, from Wilmington. It was reported that Mr. Vallandigham was on his way to Canada, and there to await coming events.—Bermuda Royal Gazette, June 23.

—The case of the seizure of the suspected gunboat Alexandra, at Liverpool, England, was announced in the Court of the Queen’s Bench at London, before Chief Baron Pollock.—(See Supplement, Vol. II.)

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