July 21.—The Fifty-fifth regiment (colored) of Massachusetts, left Boston for Newbern, N. C. —A Party of thirty bushwhackers early this morning, made a descent upon a settlement on Indian Creek, near Olathe, Kansas, and after plundering several of the inhabitants, retired, taking with them a large quantity of stock, and several men.—The schooner Revenge was captured and destroyed at a point near the Sabine Pass, by the Union gunboat Owasco, under the command of Lieutenant Commander J. Madigan, Jr.—The Forty-third regiment of Massachusetts, returned to Boston from the seat of war.—The Twelfth regiment, of Rhode Island, returned to Providence, and was received by the military of that place.—General Rosecrans, from his headquarters at Tullahoma, Tenn., issued a circular regulating the circulation of newspapers in his army.
A Diary of American Events.
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