July 31.—A party of rebels captured Stanford, Ky., but they were soon after compelled to evacuate the place with considerable loss, by a force of National cavalry, who pursued them in their retreat toward the Cumberland River.—The rebel guerrilla Mosby, who was retiring from Fairfax Court-House with the property captured there last night, was overtaken by Colonel Lowell with a detachment of the Second Massachusetts cavalry, and compelled to relinquish the capture, and retreat, with a loss of twenty horses.—Major General Halleck having ordered that “every guerrilla and disloyal man be driven out of the country between the Potomac, Rappahannock, and Blue Ridge,” Major-General Pleasanton directed that, under that order, “every man takes the oath of allegiance or be arrested and sent in.” —The rebel steamer Kate was captured while endeavoring to elude the blockade of Charleston, by the Union gunboat Iroquois.—Kentucky being invaded by a rebel force with the avowed intention of overawing the judges of elections, intimidating loyal voters, and forcing the election of disloyal candidates at the election to take place on the third of August, General Burnside issued an order placing the State under martial law, and commanding the military to aid the constituted authorities of the State in the support of the laws and the purity of suffrage.