October 2.—The Natchez Courier of this day contained the subjoined editorial:
The following communication appears in the Columbia (S. C.) Guardian :
To His Excellency Governor Bonham: The stream of negro emigration from Mississippi has commenced flowing into this State, having been prohibited in Georgia and Alabama. The heavy rains of the summer have so damaged the corn crops that the question of subsistence for another year may be of great importance, and it becomes doubly so from the influx of consumers. Would it not be well for this State also to adopt some precautionary measures before it is too late? This suggestion is only thrown out to catch the attention of the proper authorities, the writer having every confidence that if any thing ought to be done in the premises, it will not be overlooked. Very respectfully,
To this the Augusta Constitutionalist replies:
It is untrue that either Georgia or Alabama have refused refuge and domicil to the unfortunate fugitives from Mississippi. Our people are incapable of so outrageous a breach of hospitality.
We have before alluded to this matter of emigration, and we do so again more in sorrow than anger. Although the people of Alabama and Georgia perhaps have not formally protested against Mississippians flying to those States, several of the press have spoken out against it. At the time we alluded to this matter, it was done with the view of presenting to the Mississippi citizen his true position in the present crisis.
If he emigrates with his family and negroes, he is denounced by some of the journals as a coward, for surrendering his home. Where he stays at home, endeavoring to pursue the even tenor of his way in raising crops for the support of his family, he is by other prints stigmatized as a submissionist; and cavalry squads are sent out by the confederates to subsist on his already diminished supplies, and with a view to make him miserable and poor indeed, his little crop of cotton is burnt to cap the climax of trouble.
This is no fancy sketch — it is a reality, as almost any planter on the Mississippi .River can testify. When the planter is thus made poor and even destitute, does the confederate government come to his relief? Never! Instead of this, the confederate force gradually falls back toward the Alabama River, leaving the property of Mississippians almost a total wreck.
How shall the resident of Mississippi act under this state of things? If he takes refuge further East, he is censured for leaving home; and if he remains home to raise another crop in the confederate lines, as soon as the Union army again presses forward, his supplies will once more be taken by the confederate cavalry, and his cotton committed to the flames again!
Mississippians! by staying on your places and cultivating the soil, in our humble opinion, you are doing much good for yourselves and those around you. Though given the “cold shoulder” occasionally of those who appear to think themselves entirely safe from the ravages of war in the mountains of Alabama and Georgia, by remaining at home you will have the consolation of knowing that you have been tried in the fire and have done the best for your country.
Unto the new order of things instituted by the military authority of the United States, it behooves us all to assimilate; and as its lines extend, if we have not realized all our hopeful visions, we can have the blessed consolation of knowing that we have been discreet, law -abiding citizens.
For our part, we look forward with daily renewed hope to that time when our internal strifes shall end, when brother shall cease to be arrayed against brother, and when the Constitution and Union of our fathers shall be revered by every one on American soil.
—General Rosechans issued an order, thanking his soldiers for their patience, perseverance, and courage, displayed in the campaign against General Bragg.—(Doc. 183.)
—Colonel Edward McCook, with the First Missouri and Second Indiana cavalry, attacked Wheeler’s rebel force, four thousand strong, at Anderson’s Cross-Roads, Tenn., and whipped them badly, killing and wounding one hundred and twenty, taking eighty-seven prisoners and recapturing all the Government property, including eight hundred and nine mules, and the prisoners taken from the Nationals yesterday.
Among the prisoners was a major on Wheeler’s staff, commander of the escort; a major on General Martin’s staff, Colonel Russell, commanding a brigade, and nine other officers. The enemy was completely routed and driven ten miles. — Greek fire-shells were thrown into Charleston, S. C., from the batteries of General Gillmore, on Morris Island. — The English schooner Florrie was captured six miles from Matagorda, Texas, having on board a cargo of medicines, wines, saddles, and other stores.—A cavalry skirmish occurred near Franklin, La., between the Union troops under Colonel Davis, and the rebels commanded by Captain Squires. The rebels were defeated at the first fire, Squires being mortally wounded. Colonel Davis captured one piece of artillery.