January 18.—At Flint Hill, Va., a party of fifteen rebels attacked the National pickets, but were driven off after a brief engagement.—The rebel conscription law created great consternation and excitement in the western districts of North-Carolina, and public meetings were held to take into consideration a repudiation of the confederate government and a return to the Union. The Raleigh Standard openly defied the execution of the measures proposed, and said, if they prevail, “the people of North-Carolina will take their own affairs into their own hands, and will proceed, in Convention assembled, to vindicate their liberties and privileges.”—In the rebel Senate at Richmond, Va., a resolution was passed approving the action of the government with regard to the outlawry of General Butler, and the determination of the rebel authorities to hold no communication with him.— A party of rebel guerrillas made their appearance on the bank of the river opposite Memphis, Tenn., but were driven off by a gunboat, without effecting any damage. — Lieutenant-Colonel Fuller, of the Third Arkansas cavalry, received the following from the major of his regiment, at Lewisburgh:
“Captain Hamilton has had a fight with a portion of Wells’s command, and killed six, and wounded as many more. Hamilton lost six, and but one or two killed; the balance missing. The command opposing him were under Captain Thompson, numbering nearly one hundred. Hamilton killed Thompson, and brought his horse, equipments, revolvers, and papers in with him. The rebels were dressed in Federal uniforms. Hamilton is here with me.”—Newmarket, Tenn., was occupied by the rebels belonging to the forces under the command of General Longstreet.—The rebel blockade-runner, A. D. Vance, was run ashore, under the guns of Fort Caswell, in attempting to enter the port of Wilmington, N. C.—The steamer Laura, blockade-runner, was captured in St. Mark’s Bay, Florida, by the United States steamer Stars and Stripes.