Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams, Jr.
London, May 20, 1864
European politics that were so threatening three weeks ago, are now quiet again with a pretty strong tendency towards peace. England has backed down from every position she has taken, and this being the case, there seems to be no more reason for a fight. The Danish question is likely to be settled at the cost of Denmark, which is satisfactory to all parties except the Danes, and it was the very object of the war to squench these. I see no reason now for supposing that there will be any further trouble in Europe this year. Meanwhile, our iron-clad rams at Liverpool have been offered by their owners to the British Government, and M. Bravay was even so generous as to lower his original price, that the Government might take them. Accordingly the Government has taken them and they are now a part of Her Majesty’s Navy. Sic pereant! I wish things were in as prosperous a way on your side as they are here. . . .