Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for All necessary aid in organizing military hospitals and by supplying nurses.—Woolsey family letters

All necessary aid in organizing military hospitals and by supplying nurses.—Woolsey family letters

July 11, 2011

The American Civil War,Woolsey family letters during the War for the Union

As soon as possible we called on Miss Dorothea Dix, who had, by a general order, been recognized in the following words:

“Be it known to all whom it may concern that the free services of Miss D. L. Dix are accepted by the War Department, and that she will give at all times all necessary aid in organizing military hospitals and by supplying nurses; and she is authorized to receive and disburse supplies from individuals or associations, etc., etc.

Given under the seal of the War Department, April 23, 1861. (Signed.)

Simon Cameron, Secretary.


Georgeanna writes:

Miss Dix received us kindly and gave us a good deal of information about the hospitals, and this morning we went out to the Georgetown Hospital to see for ourselves. We were delighted with all the arrangements. Everything was clean and comfortable. We shall go again and take papers and magazines.

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